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Humayra Suleman PROCUCTION SCHEDULE ACTION PLANNING SHEET TASK Decide on the models and date/time of photoshoot.

To ask for permission from friends to play the role of models. Book for digital camera to capture photography. Take photographs of models during college hours. Create hand drawn drafts of the three magazine pages. Create front cover and insert photograph, follow hand drawn designs Create contents page with the information pages the magazine will consist of and also layout and photos. Write up interview article which features the artist on the front cover. Create the double page spread with imagery and design layout. Insert the article into the pages. Double check for any errors and also to edit pages of magazine; improving layout. THINGS TO DO TO ACHIEVE THE TASK I need to think about timings before deadline. I need to communicate with them and I need to text them using my iPhone and email them using a computer. I need to get a booking sheet to fill in. I need to use my camera and appropriate backgrounds in order to take photographs. I need pencil and paper to come up with a suitable layout within the photos I will take. I need to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 to create the page, insert photographs in. I need to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 to create some of the page and also to insert photographs in. I need to use Adobe InDesign in order to write up the contents page. I need to use Microsoft word to write up the article which will feature my artist on the cover. I need to use InDesign to insert photographs and interview article. I need to do this by going over Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign. BY WHEN? BY WHOM?

I need to do this Me by 21/01/13. I need to do this by 22/01/13. I need to do this by 23/01/13. I need to do this by 05/02/13. I need to do this by 23/01/13. I need to do this by 05/02/13. I need to do this by 05/02/13. Me

Me Media teacher to sign the slip Me Models Me Me Me

I need to do this by 05/02/13. I need to do this by 05/02/13. I need to do this by 05/02/13

Me Me


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