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The Logic of Backward Design

Purpose: To illustrate and practice backward-design planning and thinking. Directions: Sketch out a unit idea in the three stages of backward design. Use textbook from your class as a starting point.

Unit Title:
Stage 1 Big Ideas, Goals and Objectives
If the desired end result is for learners to . . .

Stage 2 Acceptable Evidence (both formative and summative)

then you need evidence of the learners ability to . . . Students will create a poster describing the relief programs enacted by Roosevelt under the New Deal. Students will write a short essay on the goals, the effects and causes of the New Deals

Stage 3 Lesson Activities and Experiences

then the learning events need to . . . Teacher will do a presentation on the New Deal. Students will complete a KWL chart on what they know, want to know and have learned. Students will read about the different programs of the New Deal.

New Deal

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