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Newbie - Its broken



` Du`buq, wo neng jie n de shouj ma? Excuse me. Can I borrow your mobile phone?


N meiy shouj ma? ou Dont you have a mobile phone?


` Y Dansh` wo de shouj huai le. ou. ` Yes I do, but my mobile phone is broken.


` ong wo de shouj ba. Na n y` Then use my mobile phone.

Key Vocabulary ` jie neng y` ong

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version).

to borrow can to use

c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd.

` huai le ba

broken (a suggestive particle)

Supplementary Vocabulary cdian ` ` jiechuqu le ` meidian le ` chongdian huan dictionary to have lent out the battery has run down charge (a battery) to return

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version).

c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd.

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