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Ailment (fml) (n) Haze (n) Deflect (v) Condemn (v) Annihilation (n) Aftermath (n) Power vacuum

(n) Plunder (v, n) ng b Trin lm hng th cng v cc sn phm m ngh Khm x c Gm Thng binh Gia nh lit s Lit s Qu n n p ngha Gia nh chnh sch Nn nhn ca cht c da cam Vin Quan h quc t y ban i ngoi Vn tn dng Cc Cng sut/ nm i din UNICEF ti VN Vn phng Ban ch o 33 Trng im Hi Nn nhn cht c da cam Phn theo Dng tt Tt vn ng Tm thn Thiu nng tr tu Khim th Khim thnh Cu tr x hi Strata Labour action Oesophagus

Bnh (nh) Sng m, khi m, bi m Lm chch hng Kt n, ln n, bt buc S tiu dit, s hy dit Hu qu (xu) Khong trng quyn lc (S) cp bc Uniform, comprehensive Exhibition of handicrafts and fine art products Mother of pearl in laid Brocade War invalids Families of fallen soldiers Martyrs/ fallen soldiers paying debt of gratitude funds Social beneficiary family Agent Orange victims International relations Institute Committee on foreign affairs Credit loan Service Annual capacity UNICEF representative to VN 33 Steering Board Office Focal Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin (VAVA) In respect of Disability types Movement difficulty Mental illness Intellectual disabilities Visually impaired Hearing impaired Social relief Tng lp Strike Thc qun

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