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Dream Tujuan: Student reads and understands the story.


Read the following story and answer the questions below!

One bright and sunny day, Jack wanted to go fishing. Therefore, he packed what he needed ... fishing rod, hooks, and of course, worms for bait. He put a worm on the hook, threw the line in, and waited for the fish to bite. He was disappointed when he did not catch anything after waiting for three hours. He pulled in the line. He was surprised; there was a small fish at the end of the line. The fish was so small that he did not feel any tugs on the line.

He was even more surprised when the fish started to talk, "Let me go or I will turn you into a frog He was so shocked that he just stared at it. The next moment, he was already a frog ... ribit, ribit! Suddenly he opened up his eyes, "Oh, it was just a dream". That was terrible nightmare. Next time, he prays before going to sleep. 1. Who wanted to go fishing? a. Jan b. John c. James d. Jack 2. What did he need for fishing? a. Fishing Cake b. Fishing Rod c. Snake

d. Hat 3. How long have he been waiting for the fish to bite the worm? a. One hour b. Two hours c. Three hours d. Four hours 4. What did he feel when he did not catch anything? a. Happy b. Dissapointed c. Sad d. Glad 5. What made Jack surprised when he pulled his fishing rod? a. There was nothing on the fishing rod b. There was a small fish on the fishing rod c. There was a frog on the fishing rod d. There was a worm on the fishing rod 6. What made him even more surprised? a. The fish cried b. The fish smiled c. The fish laughed d. The fish talked 7. Did he surprise when the fish talked? a. Yes b. No c. Not really d. Do not care 8. What did the fish do to Jack? a. Turn him into bird b. Turn him into frog c. Turn him into fish d. Turn him into worm 9. What is the story about? a. Dream turning into bird b. Dream turning into frog c. Dream turning into fish

d. Dream turning into worm 10. What is the lesson from the story? a. Brush teeth before go to sleep b. Nothing, just go to sleep c. Pray before go to sleep d. Take a shower before go to sleep


Anak dapat belajar perkalian bilangan-bilangan berpangkat.


Kalikanlah bilangan-bilangan berpangkat di bawah ini !

1. a. 4.125 b. 4.513 c. 5.326 d. 5.184 2.

a. 400 b. 584 c. 616 d. 754 3. a. 21.952 b. 21.351 c. 19.325 d. 19.781 4. a. 1.035 b. 1.652 c. 2.543 d. 2.304 5. a. 326 b. 432 c. 562 d. 601 6. a. 3.156 b. 5.184 c. 6.135 d. 7.546 7. a. 31.260 b. 31.456 c. 32.000 d. 32.560 8.

a. 18.463 b. 19.560 c. 20.026 d. 21.600 9. a. 9.216 b. 9.652 c. 11.035 d. 11.859 10. a. 7.620 b. 7.658 c. 8.100 d. 8.120 Tujuan: anak dapat menghitung waktu hari dan jam. Petunjuk:

Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan tepat!


1 minggu = hari


1 tahun = ... bulan


1 windu = . tahun


1 abad = tahun


1 jam = menit


1 jam = . detik


1 menit = . detik


2 hari + 2 minggu = . hari


5 windu 30 tahun + 1 abad = . Tahun


9 jam + 50 menit = . detik

Tujuan: anak dapat melakukan penghitungan penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian bilangan. Petunjuk: Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar!

1. Aku adalah sebuah bilangan. Jika hasil perkalianku dengan bilangan 20 sama dengan 319.500, maka aku a a. 15.579 b. 17.559 c. 15.975 d. 17.957 2. 184 x 45 : 4 = a. 20 b. 27 c. 207 d. 2027 3. 453.756 : 12 + 8.946 x 45 = a. 440.383

b. 404.883 c. 440.883 d. 404.338 4. Bu Hamid memiliki 3.500 ekor ayam. Masing-masing ayam bertelur 9 buah. Telur-telur itu sudah dipesan oleh 30 orang pedagang. Pedagang-pedagang itu mendapat bagian yang sama banyak. Maka banyaknya telur yang diterima masing-masing pedagang itu adalah a. 1.500 butir b. 1.050 butir c. 1.000 butir d. 1.250 butir 5. 156.384 + 57.981 x 4 = a. 857.460 b. 388.308 c. 683.517 d. 715.683 6. Hasil dari 875.644 : 14 = a. 65.642 b. 56.264 c. 64.542 d. 62.546

7. Ria mempunyai uang sebanyak Rp 185.000,00. Ria mendapatkan uang lagi dari ayah Rp 215.500,00, dari kakek Rp 80.500,00 dan dari paman Rp 56.500,00. Kemudian uang itu dibelikan pensil 12 buah mas majalah masing-masing s a. Rp 100.000,00 b. Rp 82.500,00 c. Rp 72.250,00 d. Rp 55.750,00 8. (428.651 + 45.680) 14 x 9.335 + (8 x 9.623) = a. 420.625 b. 540.254 c. 652.645 d. 525.440 9. Hasil dari 931 : 7 + 24 x 12 13 x 7 adalah a. 13.097 b. 1.793 c. 2.856 d. 330

10. Seorang pedagang beras memiliki 876.456 kg beras. Beras-beras itu disebarkan ke 50 toko kelontong. Tiap-tiap toko dikirim 12.652 kg beras. banyaknya beras yang masih tersisa adalah a. 268.630 kg b. 540.000 kg c. 376.241 kg d. 243.856 kg

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