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Who is Dominico Calcagno?

Michael Bolerjack

A horn for his people, a praise for all his saints, even for d.c.
Textual gloss from an edition of the Revised Version, Psalm 148

Dominico Calcagno is the President of the Patrimony of the Holy See, and a cardinal, 70 years of age. He was ordained by Cardinal Siri. The Patrimony of the Holy See is the central bank of the Vatican, not to be confused with the other betterknown money-laundering outfit known for charitable works. The extraordinary section of the patrimony is the outgrowth

of the payment by Mussolini to Pius XI in 1929, for which the Pope recognized his fascist government. The Patrimony of the Holy See provides the money to run the operations of the curia. Cardinal Calcagno is one of the most important members of that secretive organization, overseeing the fortune made by investments in London and elsewhere.

If the curia wins the showdown at the apocalyptic conclave, why not put Calcagno in power? He will fit right in. If there was ever a Roman Peter, the apostle at the feet of whom all had to lay all their money or die, this Italian curia cardinal is the man.

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