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Signs of Spring Squirrels running and jumping branch to branch A small green bud appears on a bush outside you're

window A beautiful woman in a red dress hi there Blanche The breeze is warm and the young robins feed in crescendo Birds' chasing each other as the mating season is in the air The wiggling nose of the rabbit out of its den foraging food The turtles with their outstretched neck warmth of sun they dare The Eagles and Hawks riding the wave of air freedom renewed The honks of the geese as they circle overhead to find their flock The ducks with the soft yellow down lined behind Mom in a row The frost on the pumpkin is gone now the farm fresh cattle stock The horses run and play their mane and tail in the breeze as they go I love all four seasons as each give us all something to look forward too For me the smell of the first fresh cut of the grass the birds land foraging Ah yes spring is in the air and it is also apparent in the people step they do As I walk taking pictures the little birds do sing these are the Signs of Spring 2013 I.M. Nobody

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