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Remember all plants are multi-cellular, make

their own food using the suns energy, and can

not move.

Plants can first be classified as either VASCULAR


Nonvascular plants do not have a water transport system They soak up water much like a sponge. They do not grow very tall. Need to live close water.

Vascular plants have a tube like water transport system. Do not need to live close to water. Can grow to be very tall

A fern is a common type of vascular plant. Ferns do not make seeds but instead make spores. A spore is like a seed but only holds half of the beginning of a complete new plant inside it.

Vascular plants that produce seeds but do not produce flowers and fruits. There are four main groups of gymnosperms conifers, cycads, ginkgos, and gnetophytes

Many conifers are pine trees. Most conifers are evergreens which means they keep their leaves all year long. Most of the paper we use are made from conifer trees.

Cycads are often mistaken for palm tress. They are found in tropical areas. They produce cones instead of the palm tree who produces flowers In some places seeds and trunks are used for food.

These trees look the same as they did millions of years ago. Only one species of ginkgo exists today which is the maidenhair tree. Unlike other gymnosperms the ginkgo loses its leaves every year.

Found in both very wet and very dry environments Some have unusual leather like leaves that grow on vines while others look like shrubs.

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