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Jaymie Bush Larry Neuburger Eng.

Comp 102 -118 12 February 2013 Response essay A Case of Assisted Suicide In A Case of Assisted Suicide by Jack Kevorkian, the author shares his story of Janet Adkins and his involvement in her suicide. Many Americans view Kevorkian as a murderer, however, Americans like Janet Adkins should have a choice to die pain free and peacefully. Janet being an accomplished woman, wife, and mother who was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease, knowing of how unpleasant the diagnoses would go, it was then she decided she would not live to experience that horrible death. The Adkinses saw Dr. Kevorkian and his device on a nationally televised show, as her condition got worse, she was more determined than ever to end her life. After speaking with the couple Kevorkian stated, Because Janets condition was deteriorating and there was nothing else that might help arrest it, I decided to accept her as the first candidate- a qualified, justifiable candidate if not ideal- (318) Monday, 4 June 1990 the moment had come and Janet Adkins looked up at the Dr. and said thank you, thank you.(328) it was 2:30 and the day went from cold and dreary to full of sunshine. After reading the essay one could conclude that Janet Adkins and her family were at peace with their decision, and were thankful for Dr. Kevorkians help. Word count:211 Kevorkian, Jack. "A Case of Assisted Suicide." Power of Language of Power. Second ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 317-23. Print. Ozarks Technical Community College.

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