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Help us transform our sanctuary into a living garden celebrating the resurrection of Christ and rejoicing in our hope of resurrection because of Him. Lets fill our church with the beauty, variety, color and fragrance of life! You have a choice between a Lily, Azalea, Hydrangea or Tulip. If you wish to contribute a plant, please fill in this form and return it, with your $15.00 donation, to the church office by Wednesday, March 20th. Please write the following information as you wish it to appear in the church bulletin: Given in Honor/Memory of (Circle One): ____________________

Donor: _____________________________________________

Telephone: __________________________________________
You may use my lily in ministering to the sick and Home-bound. I would like to take mine home (after the service).

Type of Plant
Lily Azalea Hydrangea Tulip

AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $15.00 per plant $_______. Please make check payable to Pasadena Covenant Church and write Easter Plant on your check.

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