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Scenario: A digital humanities scholar wants to encode a noted anthology of T. S. Eliot's Poems and Plays.

The first thing the DH scholar needs to encode is the Table of Contents. This Table of Contents groups Eliot's poems and plays by era or years. The anthology presents a particular reading of Eliot's poems and the DH scholar is aware of this, so it is important to encode titles in the exact order with dates. The first page of the Table of Contents furnishes material to think through structuring the text. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <anthology> <genre>poems and plays</genre> <author>T. S. Eliot</author> <title> <l1>T.S. ELIOT</l1> <l2>The Complete Poems and Plays</l2> <l3>1909-1950</l3> </title> <publisher>HARCOURT, BRACE & WORLD, INC.</publisher> <place>NEW YORK</place> <copyright>1952</copyright> <contents> <poems> <section1>COLLECTED POEMS (1909-1935) <year1>PRUFROCK (1917) <poems1> <p1>The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock</p1> <p2>Portrait of a Lady</p2> <p3>Preludes</p3> <p4>Rhapsody on a Windy Night</p4> <p5>Morning at the Window</p5> <p6>The<i>Boston Evening Transcript</i></p6> <p7>Aunt Helen</p7> <p8>Cousin Nancy</p8> <p9>Mr. Apollinax</p9> <p10>Hysteria</p10> <p11>Conversation Galante</p11> <p12>La Figlia che Piange</p12> </poems1> </year1> <year2>POEMS (1920) <poems2> <p1>Gerontion</p1> <p2>Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar</p2> <p3>Sweeney Erect</p3> <p4>A Cooking Egg</p4>

<p5>Le Directeur</p5> <p6>Mlange Adultre de Tout</p6> <p7>Lune de Miel</p7> <p8>The Hippopotamus</p8> <p9>Dans le Restaurant</p9> <p10>Whispers of Immortality</p10> <p11>Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service</p11> <p12>Sweeney Among the Nightingales</p12> </poems2> </year2> </section1> </poems> </contents>

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