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Langga, Anthony Friday: 9:30 - 11:20a.m.

4 May 2012
8 Limbs Sheet Fill in English translation or definition Example: Ashtanga: (8 limbs, 8 stages of yoga, the philosophy of raja yoga which is the science of physical and mental health, and it implies complete mastery of the self)

Yama: Rules, code, or morality in Yoga towards others. 1. Ahimsa: To not harm to living thing, physically and mentally. Kindness/consideration 2. Sateya: Always speak the truth without causing harm. 3. Asteya: Not steal, or take advantage of. 4. Brahmacharya: Responsible behavior aiming for the truth. Abstinence and relationship 5. Aparigraha: Patience. Not greedy. Only take what is earned

Niyama: Rules, code, or morality in Yoga towards yourself (more abstract and religious) 1. Saucha: Being clean outside, and being clean inside your body, removing toxins. 2. Santosa: Satisfaction for what is given. There is a reason for everything. 3. Tapas: Going the extra mile Active body. Good posture and breathing. Not lazy 4. Svadhyaya: Know your body. Aware of ones self in all activities. Knowing ones limits. 5. Isavara pranidhana: Awareness of god or divinity. Meditation

Asana: Postures in which one can stay, and be relaxed attuning oneself towards an ethereal world, while releasing the body of negative energy.

Pranayama: Breath control. It controls the movement of energy within the body and mind. 1. Puraka: To take the breath 2. Rechaka: To breath out 3. Kumbhaka: To hold the breath

Pratyahara: Stepping away from the senses which allows to self realization and meditation. 3 Gunas: Three main principles of self realization. 1. Sattava: Items that are pure and clean of evil influence such as greed. 2. Rajas: Promoting the idea of activity in nature. Opposite of lazy. Birth. 3. Tamas: It means darkness or laziness. It promotes negativity.

Dharana: The practice of concentration of the mind and self awareness. Resistance to stop meditation. 5 mental states 1. Ksipta: Lost, or defeated mind. Cant 2. Viksipta: Disturbed or agitated by material things. 3. Muda: Happiness and Satisfaction 4. Ekagra: Focus on religion 5. Niruddha: Stopped or Blocked.

Dhyana: Worship. Seeing the inner truth of things. Freedom of material mind.

Samadi: The union of yoga. Body and senses are off and reason and logic are on. Pure awareness.

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