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Evaluation diagnoses of English

Name:...............................................Grade:.......... Date:.............. I. place Prepositions: Lee the following sentences and draws that in she indicated. (6 points) 1. The pencil this on the table. 2. The desk this behinn the seat. 3. The table this at the left of side of the window 4. The slate this in front of the students 5. The door this at the righ of the professor 6. Katy this near the shelf. II. Writes in English the following sentences. (5 points) 1. Yo soy tu mejor amiga 2. Ella es pequea pero simptica 3. El perro es lindo y tierno 4. Nosostros estamos en la escuela hoy 5. Ella esta enferma III. Complete with was or were (past tense) (4 points) 1. There________ one festivity in my house the last-week 2. There________ six goal in the divided last-night 3. There________ ten accidents yesterday. 4. There________ two persons in the meeting yesterday IV. Write in English the numbers that appear in the list (10 points) 10 60

20 30 40 50 V. Text Understanding.

70 80 90 100

Dear Paul. You asked me many questions yesterday, so Im going to give you some information about my city. Santiago is the capital city of Chile. It was founded by the Spaniards in 1541 at the foot of Santa Luca Hill. It is 543 metres above sea level, and is 100 km from the beaches of the Pacific Ocean. Its main avenue crosses the city from west to east and is called Avenida Libertador Bernardo OHiggins (also known as Alameda). At Plaza Italia, it changes its name to Avenida Providencia. There is a subway which helps people get from one place to another. It is absolutely impossible to be bored in Santiago, as it is full of things to do and places to visit. It is a modern city with attractive squares, museums and galleries. I hope that some day youll visit Santiago. Its a really beautiful city Number the setences (1 to 5) according to the text. (5points) a._______ You cant be bored in Santiago b._______ Santiago was founded in 1541. c._______ You can travel by subway in Santiago. d._______ Santiago is a beautiful city. e._______ Santiago is located 100 km from the Pacific Ocean

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