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my home city Duhok

In my presentation I am going to talk about my home city. I will start give the location of duhok, the numer of population in duhok.Next,I will talk a bout the language and difine the other religionin my country.Then I will focus on economic benefit of duhok and finally education systems.

Duhok is one of the iraqi big cities. It locates in the north west of Iraq and to the south west of Kurdistan rigion.It has many attributive villages .Much of Duhoks'lanscape dominate by mountains.The weeather in duhok is very nice,the winter is very cold opposite to summer which is very hot . Firstly,the population.In recent years duhok's population increased .the population reach 450,000. the majority of people in Duhok are muslims.there are a large number of christian of different churchs such as ,assyrian, syrian and armenian.It has another religion which is yezedi and they live safety together. Secondly,language .kurdish is the most widly spoken language in Duhok and the accent is badini. afew people in this city speak another accent such us,sorani.There is a little different between the accent in duhok and the other village aroud duhok. thirdly, economic benefit of duhok ,it comes from agriculture because duhok is an agricultural place many families in duhok their income come from the production of farm ,they depend on their yeild for example my father land he has abig lat which inhereted from their fathers land famous for grapes, almond and wheat. finaly,education .if I analysis between my father's age and now there is a big different because my father is uneducatd he did not continue heis studying he worked as a farmer but, because of developing technology most of people continue their studying . my city now developed and has on university and lots of collage.

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