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Frailty thy name is woman; When the henpecked, exhausted husband bears this statement, a picture comes to his mind of a stout, solid woman with a ready temper and a readier tongue which specializes in pouring forth a barrage of invectives, and he sighs with disillusionment and says, The sages have not known life in its true colours. When the rigid, conservative politician, longing for the return of the old order, hears the words valiantly faced torture, abuse, and mockery to achieve their rights and ceaselessly campaigned and canvassed till they gained their goal. He reflects gloomily that things have come to such a pass thatr a man cannot call evenm his vote his own. His soul had been requisitioned long ago but now the time has come when the he must exercise his vote according to the sweet will of his better half. Charm has become a necessary qualification for a candidate if he wants to win female voters and through them, their husbands votes; Womens is not all frail, not all frail;. He explodes.

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