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A Abelhinha Resmungona Estava infeliz e amarga como fel Enquanto voava de flor em flor Fazendo seu doce mel.

Grumble Bumble Bee Was sad and unhappy As she flew from flower to tree Making her sweet honey.

Ento numa linda rosa, Ela parou para pensar, "Por que ficar chorando e triste Se eu posso voar!

Then she stopped to think, On a rose that was pink, Why should I cry, and sigh When indeed I can fly!

Eu no deveria estar tristonha, Olhe quanta coisa linda eu vejo! Vou ser uma abelha risonha. Pois posso voar quando desejo. Why I should be glad, And not so terribly sad. I can see pretty things! And Im a bee with wings.

Histrias bilnge para crianas -

Original English poem by Koriane Qui; courtesy of My Wonder Studio. Art by Agns Lemaire; The Family International

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