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is the one of the greatest gifts we

give our children. yet ,we so often treat our verbal communication w/ children in a casual way. It is a misconception that children learn language a passively.

Principle of Reinforcement depends - is a

psychological concept based on the idea that the consequences of an action will influence future behavior.
Types of Reinforcement: 1. Rewarding Behavior 2. . Punishing Behavior


is an advanced behavior where by an individual observes and replicates anothers.

Nativist Theory of Language acquisition

deals with the biological belief that language is an innate feature of the infant. Researchers Noam Chomsky is a firm advocate for his theory. He came up w/ the Idea of a language organ, which is known as the LANGUE ACQUISITION DEVICE (LAD).


theorist hold on an interaction

view -It says that children are biologically ready for language but requires extensive experience w/ spoken language for ample development.

o Proposed by Jerome Bruner.

o This refers to the importance of childs

social support networks, which works in conjunction w/ innate mechanisms to encourage or suppress language development

Pseudodialogues - By the time an infant reaches one year, he becomes skilled in non verbal communication.

2. Protodeclaratives - An infant uses gestures to make some sort of statements about an object .

3. Protoimperatives - Gestures that an infant or a young child may use to get someone t do something he or she wants.

Prepared By : Mikee F. Quimbao Bsed 1-b

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