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This is the first initial plan for myself and Bens album cover.

The plan is to create an image that represents the actor within the song and also the band. I will accomplish this by including the title of the song and the bands name possibly to the left side of the picture for the reason that the rule of thirds states the subject of the image should be located n the side, This allows for a more interesting composition which grants more primary focus on myself with the guitar. The reason for a black and white overlay would be to represent the misery and the depression that is based towards the song. The expression on my face implies to the audience this idea of myself deeply involved with what I am singing and the passion and emotions evoked. The use of location, being a field would imply relations towards the folk genre and the use of genre conventions. Adding from this, the guitar in hand would help to connote the link with the indie genre and the genre conventions that they share. Making the relationship between the different types of music is key to target the audience for both genres.

This Font is named Annie BTN. Ben and I chose this font purely because of the way it is structured. Using the curled lines and the way it is represented on a pale background makes the album seem more personal from a hand written style which in turn looks more informal which would relate back to the genre of music within this song. The audience are diverted from the picture on the digipak cover and brought to the title and the band. The reason for this is because we chose to use a picture of afield because it relates back to the genre of Folk. The empty nature of the image is the reason why you are immediately directed towards the name of the band and title e of the song. This would be good by allowing the band to get more recognition. Applying this to my album cover has allowed my product to be more viable and noticeable and look good whilst relating our music video back to the band and the song title.

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