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Tips to get Smart in Math

Math anxiety is very common among the students. It is quite similar to stage fright. Why does someone suffer stage fright ? Fear of something going wrong in front of a crowd? Fear of forgetting the lines? Fear of being judged poorly? Fear of going completely blank? Math anxiety conjures up fear of some type. The fear that one won't be able to do the math or the fear that it's too hard or the fear of failure which often stems from having a lack of confidence. Some positive steps may help the examinees to reduce their paranoia and assist them in achieving their target. Below mentioned are some simple yet effective steps to combat the so called Math Fever.

1. Get smart in math by using "hands-on" practice techniques. The more you do something, the more familiar you become with that subject. There are many types of math-learning games on the market today. Try some that incorporate blocks, cubes and other tools to help practice math skills. Some experts say that the game of chess, with its patterns and intricacies, may help with math. 2. Memorize the multiplication tables in order to get smart in math. If you know the multiplication tables well, you increase your knowledge base of math skills that help with division as well as multiplication. 3. Tame your fear about math if you want to get smart in math. Some people are simply afraid and intimidated by the perceived difficulties of math in general. Once you get past your fear of failure, math may not be as hard as you think. 4. Minimize distractions while you study if you want to get smart in math. Math requires concentration. Talking to others, watching TV or listening to music may interfere with your ability to comprehend math problems. 5. Look for patterns in math. Math has order, logic and organization in its many different facets. Study patterns of figures. 6. Write down questions about anything you don't understand about a particular math problem. Take time to think it out and ask for help from a teacher or tutor. 7. Be an active learner by questioning yourself about math material. Try to explain math formulas in your own words instead of just looking at the material in math textbooks.

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