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March 4, 2013 Dear Parents: As required by Ohio State Law, Bridges Community Academy will be administering Ohio Graduation

Tests March 11-March 15 from 8:30-11:00 am. All students in Ohio who entered grade 10 after July 2004 must pass all five sections by the time they graduate. The five sections in order of administration are: Reading Math Writing Science Social Studies Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Students may and must retake any failed sections. We want to work with parents to help our students pass all five sections the first time they take the test. Students are currently offered a weekly test preparation time in each core subject which utilizes both direct instruction in content areas and test taking skills as well as an online OGT preparation website. The online portion can be accessed from any computer. It has been strongly suggested that students work on the online portion outside of class time. The computer program provides students immediate feedback as well as explanations. Test results will be shared with parents after scores are returned to the school later this spring. The testing dates are mandated by the state and we need your help to ensure the best possible testing environment for your child(ren). Please be sure students are well rested, eat a nutritious breakfast, and are at school on time. Make-up testing will occur March 16March 21 only for those students with excused absences. If your student is enrolled in a PSEO or Sentinel class, please be sure your student makes arrangements with the professor or instructor to miss class on testing days. Sentinel is aware of the testing dates and these are excused absences. In our experience, the college professors have been very cooperative. Students experiencing difficulty making arrangements with any college professor or instructor need to contact Ms Marshall immediately. A list of students will be sent to Sentinel. Please have your student bring 2 sharpened number 2 pencils each day they are testing. If youd like more information on testing in the state of Ohio, please visit the ode website which is: Once at that site, choose testing and assessments from the menu. If you have any questions about the tests or our testing process, please call or email.


Susan Marshall Coordinator, Instructional Services 419.455.9295

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