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Jose Esparza 21376 IIND January 28, 2013 Florence Cassez

Florence Cassezs case early this year has shocked our society, not only did it show the corruption around our system but it also exposed the lack of importance our government officials show for our justice system. This type of actions and behaviors only show what most of our society fears, corruption in every aspect of our daily lives that unfortunately only digs a bigger hole through out our nation.

Florence Marie Louise Cassez Crepin, better known as simply Florence Cassez, is a 38 year old woman from France, she was born in Lille, France and moved to Mexico City in 2003. In 2004 Florence meets Isral Vallarta, leader of a kidnapping gang refered to as Los Zodiacos, with whom she kept a relationship. In late 2005 Florence and Israel were detained in a ranch were they kept their victims. By 2007 she was sentenced to a total of 96 years in prison for, kidnapping and ilegal possession of firearms charges; sentence which was later reduced to 60 years. In 2011 Cassezs case reached the Mexican Supreme Court which reviewed and later released her for three rights which were violated during her trial, this rights were, not notifying the French embassy about her arrest, violating her presumption of innocence during the arrest, and not making her immediately available for the court to continue her case.

This story achieved a great impact on our society and is a current debate amongst the different branches of our government emphasizing on the level of irresponsibility on our current judicial system. In conclusion this situation greatly calls for a change on our society and our judicial system.

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