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September 9, 2008

Start time is 1305 hours. The date is September the 9th of 2008. This is Detective
Mickey Cohn, and I'm here with...

Cohn Can I have you say your name and spell it for
me, please?

Taylor Jalen...J-A-L-E-N...and Taylor...T-A-Y-L-O-R.

Cohn Jalen Taylor? And your date of birth?

Taylor Yes.

Cohn And what's your address, Jalen?

Taylor x

Cohn x

Taylor x

Cohn x

Taylor Yes, sir.

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Statement: Jalen Taylor / Case #08197(f)
September 9, 2008

Cohn If I could have you speak up for me just a little

bit. And what's your phone number, Jalen?

Taylor Yeah.

Cohn Do you have a cell phone?

Taylor Hmm?

Cohn Do you have a cell phone?

Taylor (Inaudible).

Cohn Is this a home phone or a cell phone?

Taylor That's my home phone.

Cohn Okay. This statement is being tape-recorded.

Does this meet your, with your approval?

Taylor Yes.

Cohn Is that a yes? I'm takin' this statement in

reference to the events on August the 20th,
2008, that occurred during a PRP football
practice. Please describe the events of august
the 20th, 2008, from the beginning to the end
of practice in your own words.

Taylor Right now?

Cohn Yeah.

Taylor Uh, it was like, we was walkin' and our coach

got mad 'cause we was walkin' around, we
walked everywhere...we walked to the water,
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Statement: Jalen Taylor / Case #08197(f)
September 9, 2008

every time we got water, we walked to the

water, walked to (inaudible). It's like we
walked to everything, we was lazy, when we
was doin' our stuff.

Cohn Um-hmm.

Taylor And then that’s when coach, he was, he was

cool with it 'cause he was cool at first...he was
tellin' us to hustle up and he, he was
starting to get mad 'cause we was walkin' so he
made us run. 'Cause we was walkin' like bein'
lazy the whole damn practice.

Cohn Um-hmm.

Taylor Yeah.

Cohn So he thought y'all weren't givin' a...

Taylor We weren't givin', we wasn't, we wasn't givin'

a, a good effort.

Cohn And that was from the beginning of practice all

the way up to when you all started runnin' the

Taylor ...Yes.

Cohn Running the drills...or whatever? Alright. and

as far as water breaks go, how are water breaks
given? Are they given as individuals or as they
given as teams or groups...

Taylor They givin' us like every, if we at the, like say

we at say we like, we doin''s
like a 200-minute drill, then we get water.
Like that, 'cause we, he want us to stay
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September 9, 2008

hydrated. We get like uh, like we do one drill,

then like we like individual drills...but then
everybody get that same amount of water.

Cohn Um-hmm.

Taylor And we get like three or four, like four or five


Cohn So but when that, when that happens, when it's

time for y'all to get water, was you and your
group, okay, yeah, let's go get water together,
or you just go get water as you want to, by

Taylor No, we uh, the whole group, the whole group,

the whole group gets water.

Cohn Now August the 20th, 2008, how many water

breaks did you take?

Taylor I think like four.

Cohn And what are you? Uh, what, what's your


Taylor I'm tight end.

Cohn Tight end? So you're offense?

Taylor Um-hmm.

Cohn After the last water break, what did the practice
consist of?

Taylor What you mean like?

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Statement: Jalen Taylor / Case #08197(f)
September 9, 2008

Cohn Like the last water break...not the last water

break of the day, but the one before the
last water break...

Taylor The last water break, it was uh, it was before

we started runnin', 'cause we was, we walked,
we walked to the water and came back

Cohn Okay. And was he tellin' y'all to hustle up or...

Taylor Yes. He was tellin' us to hustle up. And we

was still, we was barely joggin', and that's
when he said, that's when he told us to line, get
in line.

Cohn Okay. So after the, after the...that water break,

when y'all weren’t hustlin', he told you to get
on the line. So basically, the rest of the
practice consisted of you all runnin'?

Taylor Yeah, but it wasn't like, it was like...I don't

know how long it was, like 45 minutes or 30
minutes, somethin' like that...practice.

Cohn Okay. Uh, after the last water break, what,

what...and when you say "runnin'" what, do
you all have a name for that, what you all were
doin', the runnin'?

Taylor Gassers.

Cohn Gassers?

Taylor Yeah.

Cohn Okay. Gasser is sideline to sideline, back,

sideline to sideline, so it's 50 yards and back,
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September 9, 2008

50 yards and back.

Taylor Yeah.

Cohn Right? And that's one gasser.

Taylor Um-hmm.

Cohn And why, why was the team runnin' gassers?

Was it...

Taylor 'Cause, 'cause we uh, 'cause we uh, 'cause we

wasn't listenin' to the coach.

Cohn And how many sprints did your group run?

And when I say "groups"...

Taylor The whole team?

Cohn The whole team.

Taylor I don't know, we, 'cause uh, 'cause uh, he, I

think, I don't know where, I don't know how
many we did, but I know we, we didn't do like
we usually do. Like we didn't do that many.
We did like ten. And ten (inaudible) somethin'
like that.

Cohn So you think total you did ten?

Taylor Ten, ten between ten and 12.

Cohn That's total for everybody. Right?

Taylor Yes.

Cohn And you, they line up in groups, right?

There's two groups?
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September 9, 2008

Taylor Um-hmm.

Cohn What group were you in?

Taylor I was in the, I was in the little guys.

Cohn How many gassers did you run before taking

off your gear?

Taylor I think uh, we ran eight or nine gassers.

Maybe eight or nine.

Cohn How many gassers did you run after taking off
your gear?

Taylor Like two or three.

Cohn How long do you think the team was runnin'

the gassers? You said about 45 minutes? Or...

Taylor Yeah, about 45 minutes or 40 minutes.

Cohn Did you or any of your teammates ask for

water breaks or try to get water during the
running of the sprints, the gassers?

Taylor No. I, I didn't ask for water, I just, I just deal

with it. And didn't have practice over. I didn't
ask for no water.

Cohn But did you hear any of your teammates ask

for water?

Taylor No, sir.

Cohn No one asked for water at all?

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Statement: Jalen Taylor / Case #08197(f)
September 9, 2008

Taylor I don't think so.

Cohn And what about after pra...after the gassers

were over? What did y'all do after, after the
gassers were...after you all quit the gassers, for
whatever reason after that, after you all stopped
doin' the gassers, what did you all do at that

Taylor He told us all to come and sit by the trees so he

can talk to us.

Cohn Um-hmm. Did a couple guys try to go get

water? When he told 'em...

Taylor I wasn't payin' attention. I was on, I was on

somethin' somewhere else. I was takin' off my
shoulder pads and then he, he's, I thought he
was yellin' at all of us, I didn't know who he
was yellin' at.

Cohn But did he yell at somebody to get back over

here, I'm not done talkin' to you yet?

Taylor Yeah, he said something like that. But I, I don't

know, I don't know if for sure he said it, but I
know, 'cause I was mad, I wasn't listenin'...

Cohn Um-hmm.

Taylor ...I wasn't listenin' very well...

Cohn Okay. Uh, did you see...did you or any of your

teammates become sick during the running of
the gassers?

Taylor What do you mean by sick...fallin' out?

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Statement: Jalen Taylor / Case #08197(f)
September 9, 2008

Cohn Fall out...throw know...

Taylor No, we was just, no, we was just tired, we

wasn't throwin' up or nothin'.

Cohn You see anybody fall out?

Taylor Uh, what do you mean? Like pass out?

Cohn Pass out or...

Taylor there was just two of 'em.

Cohn Who were they?

Taylor It was Calloway and uh, and uh...what's his


Cohn Max?

Taylor Max.

Cohn When did Calloway fall out?

Taylor 'Cause no, 'cause he, he had, 'cause he, wee

was in gassers and he, if you, he was runnin'
hard, and he ran real hard, then he put it all out.
He said, I put all out as effort, and then that's
when...he didn't really pass out...he just uh, he
just uh, 'cause he was like, he was hard,
hard...breathin' hard... then the coach told him
get uh, uh, he was done 'cause he was runnin'
hard, and stuff like that...

Cohn Okay. And when did Max fall out? Was that
the end...beginning...

Taylor I, I didn't see him fall, I just, I just seen him on

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September 9, 2008

the ground.

Cohn Okay. And was that at the end...

Taylor ...Um-hmm...

Cohn after all the gassers were over with or as

they were ending...

Taylor That was when we were ending.

Cohn During any practices this year, have you

personally seen or heard of any teammates
being injured or quitting the team?

Taylor Quit, quitting the team.

Cohn Who'd you see quit?

Taylor Uh...

Cohn that was during a practice?

Taylor Um-hmm. I uh, saw, I saw uh, I didn't see no

other guys, but I just saw one, uh, it was one of
the freshmen. 'Cause they quit 'cause uh, one
of the coaches was doin', gettin' on, gettin' on
his (sic) nerves...

Cohn When was, when was that practice?

Taylor That was like, that was like two or three weeks
ago. That's the only, that's (inaudible) 'cause
we had a new coach. But he was, he's cool
now, he, he didn't, they, they wasn't used to 'im
and (inaudible) like they was scared and just
left and quit...
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Statement: Jalen Taylor / Case #08197(f)
September 9, 2008

Cohn Yeah.

Taylor And they wish, now they wish they was on the
team, but, but uh, they, they uh, they can't
come back.

Cohn Who is the one person that quit? You said one
person, you said one person quit a
couple weeks ago.

Taylor No, I mean like the whole, like it was like four
or five of 'em like that quit...

Cohn Okay.

Taylor 'Cause they, 'cause they didn't wanna deal with

that coach 'cause he was just, he was tryin' to
teach us good discipline.

Cohn Oh.

Taylor I don't, I don't know, he was a new coach, he

was tryin' to teach good discipline. But then
uh, they started gettin' mad so like they decided
to quit. I just, I just told 'em, y'all quit for no

Cohn Well, when the coach, what do you mean when

you say he tries to give good discipline...what,
what's, what's he do to make you give good

Taylor I, I wasn't, I wasn't over there...I wasn't over

there, over there with them, 'cause I was with
the varsity in JV...

Cohn ...Um-hmm...
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September 9, 2008

Taylor ...I wasn't never there with them...but uh, they,

I just saw some of 'em was like they, they was
mad, somethin' like that. But I don't know,
they said somethin' about it but I don't know
who he is.

Cohn Um-hmm. Has anyone influenced you in any

way withhold information, to change any of
the facts that occurred during the practice?
Anyone asked you to change any, to tell you
what to say or change things...

Taylor No, I, I wouldn't listen if they try to tell me

what I say.

Cohn But did anybody try to tell you to say somethin'

like that?

Taylor Hm-umm. They don't tell me what to say.

Cohn And is this statement truthful? Everything you

told me the truth?

Taylor Yes, sir.

Cohn Is there anything else that you wanna add or

you think we should know or anything that uh,
you'd like to tell us?

Taylor No, that's all I said.

Cohn Alright. that concludes the interview. The

time is now 1315 hours.


File #08197fcohn-ks
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Statement: Jalen Taylor / Case #08197(f)
September 9, 2008

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