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Amanda Nishimwe ENGL 1102-024 Professor Caruso January 23, 2013 Version 1 Auto-Inquiry: The first topic is about the business of health and wellness:

I believe health and wellness have always been important factors in peoples lives but in the last decade, the attention directed to health and wellness has increase significantly. The notions of health can be applied in various fields; therefore they can be used in business to convince people to buy various products especially food or various kinds of services that are supposed to assure health and wellness. Health and wellness have become important characters that influence the decisions we make about food, the kind of exercises we do or the products we buy and therefore many of activities we do. Specifically, about food because usually if we eat healthy and if do not have a hereditary disease, we should be healthy. The industry of food is bounded to health because it determines the number and the kind of customers targeted. Usually, the fact that it is a restaurant or fast food will determine what kind of customers they will have. On one side, fast food are supposed to attract young clients, people who do not pay quite attention on what they eat or people who know that they will work and burn those calories. On the other side, a restaurant that sells this image of healthier food is likely going to be more expensive and the high prices will be justified by the idea of health and wellness. Though, I am not sure why that healthy food means necessarily expensive food. I think that lately, health and wellness have become one of the most used slogans in advertisements. I think that with the increase of deceases caused by the way we eat, the media had to adapt to the changing of the consumers needs for healthier product. However, changing a production is not easy to do but instead it is easier to make the consumers thing that they changed the products by using words like natural. I think that is what some companies do by making people believe that they are making better products and thus to meet the needs of their customers for healthier products. Besides food, the business of health and wellness is also enlarged to different products and services proposed in order for people to be healthier and feel good. This search of health and wellness has helped many other industries in various fields like cosmetics and fitness through fitness coach, diets or even life coaches. This wellness industry has even widened to

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pharmaceutical with different pills that are supposed to burn calories without any effort. Nevertheless, I think it also important to note that the spread of wellness is, little by little, being transformed into problem of self-presentation more than a problem of physical health. Sometimes, it looks like it is no longer a health issue but more about how we look and that is not necessarily a consequence of what we did or the products we used. That brings us to a point where it is becoming difficult to know if we need to monitor closely how or what we eat, or even knowing what products or services should be trusted because media trends have plaid on the psychology of many to sell their products in that confusion. Second topic is about food Competitions

Food competitions are supposed to reward excellence in everything that has to do with food field. The food competitions can be various depending on the rewards they offer. Thus, there are food competitions that reward quality and those that reward the quantity of the food. Those based on the quality of the food will take in consideration the ingredients used, the way they were cooked and for how long, the presentation, the time it took to prepare the meal and sometimes even smell of the meal. The eating competitions are more likely to reward the quantity of food, those competitions that will most likely reward the amount of food ingest in a certain period of time or how fast someone can eat a certain amount of food. On the other side, the cooking competition shows are continuously multiplying and attract a large audience because they can be for amateurs or professionals. These competitions are supposed to reward the chef who can work better under the worst conditions or with the least resources, the fastest or the most creative. Other food competitions have the purpose to teach how to cook like a chef at home. All these competitions are spread over different categories for meal, fast food, dessert or snacks.

The third topic is about mental health:

I would most likely say that mental health is the absence of mental illness; however the notion of mental illness is abstract simply because there is no instrument to measure mental health. Doctors can only diagnose mental illness by analyzing the brain and observing people's behavior and reactions, but reactions and behaviors also varies according to each person. There are many kind of mental illness and some can be more dangerous than other, mental illness can go from serious mental disorder like schizophrenia or anorexia to less restrictive disease like a specific phobia or an anxiety disorder that can be easier to control medically. The perception of mental health has evolved since the time when any abnormal behavior could be interpreted as a mental illness. However, certain disease diagnosis remains difficult because there are always particularities for each person. Finally, the mental health determines every decision we make and everything that we do;

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whether it's our behavior in the environment in which grew up in, at school, in the workplace, in society or in the relationships we have with friends or family.

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Version 2 Auto-inquiry: The first Topic is about the business of health and wellness:

Health and wellness have always been important factors in peoples lives but in the last decade, the attention directed to health and wellness in business has increase significantly. The business of health can be considered can be considered as being a group consisting of all the means that help improve or create a business through health and wellness. Last semester, I took a business class and they proved that a company could double its profits by giving better working conditions to its employees. Studies showed that if for example a company has provided its employees and their families with health insurance, they will be more motivated and focused on their work instead of worrying for families. In addition, if employees were given some privileges that improve their well-being like access to a gym or the option of leaving early on Friday so that they can take care of their children especially for mothers; that would of increase the trust and loyalty of employees for employer and increase their productivities. The notions of health can be applied in various fields and therefore they are very used in business to convince people to buy various products especially food or other services that are supposed to assure health and wellness. Health and wellness have become important characters that influence the decisions we make about food, the kind of exercises we do or the products we buy and therefore many of activities we do. Specifically, about food because usually if we eat healthy and if do not have a hereditary disease, we should be healthy. The industry of food is bounded to health because it determines the number and the kind of customers targeted. Usually, the fact that it is a restaurant or fast food will mostly determine what kind of customers they will have. On one side, fast food are supposed to attract young clients, people who do not pay quite attention on what they eat or people who know that they will work and burn those calories. On the other side, a restaurant that sells this image of healthier food is likely going to be more expensive and the high prices will be justified by the idea of health and wellness. Though, I am not sure why that healthy food means necessarily expensive food. I think that lately, health and wellness have become one of the most used slogans in advertisements. I think that with the increase of deceases caused by the way we eat, the media had to adapt to the changing of the consumers needs for healthier product. However, changing a production is not easy to do but instead it is easier to make the consumers thing that they changed the products by using words like natural. I think that is what some companies do by making people believe that they are making better products and thus to meet the needs of their customers for healthier products. Health and wellness are also encouraged by todays society through sport promotion in school, programs to eat healthy and also through what society considers "normal" or adequate and may push someone to make effort in his diet. Culture and environment can also be important elements that promote health and wellness. Coming from a country with a culture that promotes home cooked food, which has a very limited number of fast food and with portions of cooking below from those of the U.S. for example; I can see how it can be harder to avoid fast food in the U.S. But also, my parents have always encouraged us to

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exercise and pushed us in sport; one of my brothers plays tennis, another plays soccer and I have been swimming for thirteen years. So, when I compare myself to my friends, I can see why it can be easier for me to exercise because of the environment in which I grew up. Besides food, the business of health and wellness is also enlarged to different products and services proposed in order for people to be healthier and feel good. This search of health and wellness has helped many other industries in various fields like cosmetics and fitness through fitness coach, diets or even life coaches. This wellness industry has even widened to pharmaceutical with different pills that are supposed to burn calories without any effort. Nevertheless, I think it also important to note that the spread of wellness is, little by little, being transformed into problem of self-presentation more than a problem of physical health. Sometimes, it looks like it is no longer a health issue but more about how we look and that is not necessarily a consequence of what we did or the products we used. That brings us to a point where it is becoming difficult to know if we need to monitor closely how or what we eat, or even knowing what products or services should be trusted because media trends have plaid on the psychology of many to sell their products in that confusion. The second topic: Food Competitions

Food competitions are supposed to reward excellence in everything that has to something do with the food field. I would divide food competitions in three categories like cooking competitions, food eating competitions and food competition shows. Food competitions can also vary depending on the rewards they offer. Thus, there are food competitions that reward quality of the food and those that reward the quantity of food eaten. Cooking competitions reward the quality of the food will take in consideration the ingredients used, the way they were cooked and for how long, the presentation, the time it took to prepare the meal and sometimes even smell of the meal. The eating competitions are more likely to reward the quantity of food, those competitions that will most likely reward the amount of food ingest in a certain period of time or how fast someone can eat a certain amount of food. On the other side, the cooking competition shows are continuously multiplying and attract a large audience because they can be for amateurs or professionals. These competitions are supposed to reward the chef who can work better under the worst conditions or with the least resources, the fastest or the most creative. Other food competitions have the purpose to teach how to cook like a chef at home. All these competitions are spread over different categories for meal, fast food, dessert or snacks. And all these competitions have different objectives, some are for rewarding the best chefs, other are just organized in order to hire a new chef, other are for prestige and awards and others are created by the media to attract more audience. However, fans can learn new recipes, increase their knowledge of cooking and improved their style.

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The third topic is about mental health:

I would most likely say that mental health is the absence of mental illness; however the notion of mental illness is abstract simply because there is no instrument to measure mental health. Doctors can only diagnose mental illness by analyzing the brain and observing people's behavior and reactions, but reactions and behaviors also varies according to each person. There are many kind of mental illness and some can be more dangerous than other, mental illness can go from serious mental disorder like schizophrenia or anorexia to less restrictive disease like a specific phobia or an anxiety disorder that can be easier to control medically. Last year, I head a Psychology class and turns out that although these diseases are known, some may be associated to a certain characteristic of the personality that are common. Some of these diseases are the result of some characters of nature that are excessive such as suspiciousness paranoia (excessive suspiciousness) or occasionally drinking that becomes alcoholism (addiction to alcohol) and selfishness that turns into narcissism (self-admiration). The perception of mental health has evolved since the time when any abnormal behavior could be interpreted as a mental illness. However, certain disease diagnosis remains difficult because there are always particularities for each person. Finally, the mental health determines every decision we make and everything that we do; whether it's our behavior in the environment in which grew up in, at school, in the workplace, in society or in the relationships we have with friends or family.

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