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Unit 1: Standard form

Unit 1.1- Significant figures Sometimes we need to give an approximation to a calculation in mathematics The number of significant figures reflects the level of accuracy we need in a measurement Significant figures refer to the digits which are revealed in an integer or a decimal number that is being approximated.

For any decimal number, zeroes to the right of the last non-zero digit are significant figures. They show the level of accuracy of the decimal number.

Computations involving a few numbers

Depending on the level of accuracy required, the answers obtained from combined operations can be written correct to the number of significant figures needed. Solving problems 1) We often use significant figures without realizing it. 2) In our daily life, rounding off a number to the number of significant figures required, helps to make calculations simpler.

Rounding off positive numbers to a given number of significant figures

1. All non-zero digits are significant figures 2. The digit zero can be a significant figure or a non-significant figure depending on its position In the number. Zeroes that are located between two non-zero digits are significant figures For a whole number, zeroes that are to the right of the last non-zero digit are either significant or nonsignificant figures depending on the level of accuracy required For a decimal number less than 1, zeroes to the left of the first non-zero digits are non-significant figures. The zeroes show the number of decimal places.

Unit 1.2-Standard form

Figures that are very small or large occur often in scientific calculations A number written in standard form is A * 10n where 1 A<10 and n is an integer.

Starting positive numbers in standard form

1. Numbers that are greater than or equal to 10 2. Numbers that are less than 1 Converting numbers in standard form to simple numbers We can also convert numbers in standard form to single numbers.

Computations involving two numbers in standard form When we perform operations on numbers in standard form, we need knowledge or factorization and indices which you have learnt earlier. Solving problems We can solve problems involving numbers in sstandard form easily by using a scientific calculator.

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