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Viral Gene Sequences to Assist Update Diagnostics for Swine Influenza A(H1N1) - GenBank Accession Numbers

28 April 2009

The WHO Collaborating Centre for influenza in CDC Atlanta USA has posted the full genome sequences of swine influenza A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) influenza virus on the GenBank sequence database. To access, go to:, then enter the accession number as shown below: PB2 gene accession number is: FJ966079 PB1 gene accession number is: FJ966080 PA gene accession number is: FJ966081 HA gene accession number is: FJ966082 NP gene accession number is: FJ966083 NA gene accession number is: FJ966084 M gene accession number is: FJ966085 NS gene accession number is: FJ966086

Tip: to access all the gene sequence records at once, copy the following line of text and paste it into the search bar in the above GenBank web link. FJ966079,FJ966080,FJ966081,FJ966082,FJ966083,FJ966084,FJ966085,FJ966086

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