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Racism today, although not as public as it was in the past during the Jim Crow era still exist

in our society. We all know that growing up and going to school, can cause a great deal of stress in a childs life. Children, can be very harsh and forward when dealing with race. For example, name calling, mocking, eye squinting; karate chopping was quite common for me growing up as an Asian American. After a few weeks in this course, I found myself re-evaluating the way that I carried myself and acted, especially at work. Today, I work in an environment, which my coworkers are comprised of many ethnic backgrounds. We have worked with each other for nearly 10 years and are very comfortable and forward with one another. Throughout the day, we tend to mock each other, and make ethnic jokes about each other, and the mood is very light. To pass the time and entertain ourselves we tend to speak to each other by using mock type languages. I suspect that there are many instances where this occurs regularly where people do not realize that these acts are considered a form of racism. Knowing what I know today, I am more sensitive and aware of what is going on around me at work. I am definitely trying to refrain from this type of behavior, however I still catch myself at times getting caught in the moment. With proper education and understanding this type of behavior can be weeded out and reduced. The historic facts regarding racism throughout history has been an eye opening experience for me. Learning the origin of where racial slurs and epithets came from and how they apply to United States and world history have been quite shocking. Learning and studying about Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and visiting the Museum of Tolerance provided me with a detailed look into how race, humanity, and society were the foundations of such an evil act. One of the guest speakers at the Museum of Tolerance left us with a quote as his testimony ended: I will never forget the day when humanity failed me Promoting race and racism education and awareness today is necessary.

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