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Made possible by a powerful source of constant energy Dark not utterly dark, light not Two sections work

rk together to make a whole Constant motion Each perceived opposite contains some element of its contrary

Feminine Passive Moon Yielding Darkness Submission earth
expand Upward and outward

Masculine Action Sun Advancing Brightness Sky and order of nature contract Downward and inward

9 principles of Yin Yang

1. One unified whole 2. Balance: universe as an ongoing process supremely balanced 3. Things change: opposites not only compliment each other, but evolve into new forms

9 principles of Yin Yang

4. Apparent opposites interact spontaneously: yin and yang follow each other without effort. Change isnt due to force, it is innate in all things. 5. Everything contains its own opposite

9 principles of Yin Yang

6. Existence arrives from pairing off: interplay between yin yang gives rise to all life and all death 7. Yin and yang is a theory that can analyze all phenomena- government, music, human body, cycles

9 principles of Yin Yang

8. No phenomenon is completely, absolutely yang, or
completely, absolutely yin. All phenomena are permeated with both yin and yang tendencies. 9.) No phenomenon is neutral, that is, perfectly balanced. Yin or yang is present in excess in all phenomena at one time or another in dynamic interplay.

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