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90 Balls vs 75 Balls There are two types of bingo played around the world North America plays 75-ball

bingo on a 5x5 card with the columns labelled B-I-N-G-O and with spots contains numbers between 1 and 75. The centre square typically is a free spot, and often has the word "free" printed on it. Column B contains numbers 1-15. Column I contains numbers 16-30. Column N contains numbers 31-45. Column G contains numbers 46-60. Column O contains numbers 61-75. The desired pattern which players aim to achieve in 75 ball can vary dramatically, from a simple single line to more complicated themed patterns. The aim of the game, however, is always the same: to mark off the numbers to achieve the desired pattern. UK, parts of Europe, Australia and parts of South America play a 90-ball bingo , marked on a 9x3 card. In 90-ball bingo, each card has three horizontal lines and nine columns. Each line contains five numbers, meaning each card has 15 numbers. The first column contains numbers from 1-10, the second column contains numbers from 11-20, all the way through to the final column which contains numbers from 81-90. A game of 90 ball bingo will normally be played in three stages: one line, two lines and Full House. In a "one line" game players need to mark a complete horizontal line across one card. The aim of a 'two lines' game is to complete any two marked lines horizontally across one card. Finally a "Full House" means all the numbers marked off on one card (all 15 numbers), as in a regular coverall game. The prize split differs for each stage of the game. The Full House is always the largest prize in any one game.

8 Ways To Win At Bingo Tips on how to make your own luck for a successful night at the bingo hall. Is there a strategy to the game of bingo? Or is it sheer luck and superstitions? Well, with a few tips on how to gain a winning edge, you could be making your own luck in no time. First of all, it's important to remember that bingo is primarily a game of luck. However, there are certainly a number of winning strategies to give you that winning edge. Here are some tactics that bingo players use to encourage that winning bingo: 1. Choose your own bingo cards if you can. At the hall, arrive early so you will have the best selection to choose from. 2. When choosing a bingo card, look for cards with the lowest numbers under the B column. Avoid high numbers. 3. Favour numbers 19-29 under the I column. Lower than 19 should be avoided, and numbers lower than 14 should especially be shunned. 4. Under the letter N, choose a card with numbers 29-39. All numbers in the 40s should be avoided if possible. 5. It is best to choose numbers higher than 49 in the G column.

6. The best numbers for the O column tend to be 60 through 68. 70 is ok, but numbers higher than 71 are unfavourable. 7. Rules listed above are relevant no matter what type of bingo you are playing. Traditional bingo, four corners, coverall, or any other pattern - these numbers tend to have greater odds than others. 8. Finally, when playing at a bingo hall, never buy more cards than you can watch, because if you are unable to keep up with your cards you may end up missing out on a big win. Of course, with online bingo this isn't an issue - you can simply change your options and turn your cards on auto-daub. So, keep these tips in mind and soon you could be winning more games and enjoying your bingo nights more. Whether you're playing for a small jackpot or the big one, we hope these tips will help you get more out of the game we all love.

Bingo Strategy (or "Can you beat the system?") Mathematical analyst Joseph E. Granville, creator of successful stock market strategies used by thousands, has directed the enormous power of his analytical mind to the game of Bingo. After years of painstaking research, he has developed proven strategies that give you a clear competitive edge so that you can actually beat your luck at Bingo. Granville's techniques are so simple anyone can use them. There's no complicated figuring, no giant mental calculations to be done. Granville lays out the simple step-by-step procedures for you to follow which automatically turn any game of Bingo you play in your favor. Sound impossible? It isn't. Extensive study of thousands of games has led Granville to the inescapable conclusion that every Bingo game follows definite patterns patterns the average player is completely unaware of. By utilizing these patterns, Granville had discovered how to beat the odds at Bingo. Now you can too. Naturally, the heart of any winning Bingo system is card selection. Granville has isolated crucial relationships between winning Bingo numbers and the master board. He shows you how to use these simple and proven truths to select a greater number of winning cards. Most methods players use to select their cards are completely backwards, Granville found. Players are working against themselves without even realizing it. Even in games where you can't select your cards, there are ways to beat the odds and come up a winner. For instance, most Bingo enthusiasts play several cards a game to improve their chances of winning. But does this really work? No, says Granville! The startling truth is that you can actually improve your chances of winning big by playing fewer cards in many cases. Granville proves it! Curious? Read on to find out how fewer cards can be better. So why trust to luck when you play bingo? You can make the game pay you to play. If you're honestly serious about becoming a systematic winner at Bingo, here is an idea that you can use today. The most natural reaction to advancing a serious theory designed to improve the chances of winning at bingo is encountered when confronting those who do not believe that such a sound theory is possible. The usual reaction to those who might devise various bingo "systems" is that it is all pure fantasy. They will tell you that nobody knows what balls are going to come out of the machine and that the game is totally one of luck. While it may appear at first glance difficult to counter such a reaction, the solid structure of mathematical probability is capable of destroying the argument. The key to beating the bingo game lies in a clear understanding of the word random. Our typical critic will agree that the colored balls being drawn from a machine are popping out at random. Now, having a common agreement on this fact, the next step is simply to show such critics that there is far more to the word random than first meets the eye. As every player knows, there are 75 balls in the machine, numbered from 1 to 75. The probability of any ball coming up on the first draw is exactly equal, 1 in 75, written as 1/75. Since the probabilities are equal, we call this a uniform distribution. Random for s H numbers drawn from a uniform distribution fall into predictable patterns governed by the laws of probability. Therein lies the answer to transforming the otherwise hopeless problem into a series of systematic solutions which will determine the best selection of bingo cards. Granted

that the balls come out of the machine at random, then three things must have a strong tendency to occur. There must be an equal number of numbers ending in 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's etc. Odd and even numbers must tend to balance. High and low numbers must tend to balance. Those are the three accepted tests for randomness. Unless the distribution meets those tests it is said that there is a bias and the distribution is not random. We can add a fourth test for randomness which has a peculiarly effective application at beating the bingo game. This fourth test is best described by the English statistician L. H. C. Tippett in his book, Sampling.- "As a random sample is increased in size, it gives a result that comes closer and closer to the population value." Translated into simple everyday language, the bingo master board of 75 numbers constitutes the "population". The average number in that population is the average of the entire 75 numbers. Going from 1 to 75, the average number on the bingo board is 38. The first few numbers called in a bingo game may or may not average 38, but it is certain that as the game progresses the average of the numbers called will steadily approach 38. The author will wager that not one in ten players is aware of this statistical fact. So then, when bingo numbers are being called, the entire game (which consists of an average of 12 calls) is a sampling of the entire population and the larger the sample the closer the numbers will average to 38. Obviously this fact will play a key role in the strategic selection of bingo cards. The next time you play bingo, note very carefully an amazing characteristic relating to the first ten numbers flashed on the master board. With very few exceptions, you will note that a preponderance of the numbers have different digit endings! The average bingo player, putting all the attention on the cards rather than the master board, would tend to overlook this, the most important single characteristic of the irst ten numbers called in any bingo game. Since most regular games last for about ten to twelve calls or less, you will vastly improve your chances of selecting a winning card by concentrating on numbers having different digit endings.

How To Win At Bingo?

Copyright 1997, Jim Loy I bought a book called How To Win At Bingo, by Joseph E. Granville. The author says he can "increase the odds in your favor up to 50%." I suppose he means that whatever your expected return is normally (certainly less than $1 for every dollar you invest in Bingo), that this book may improve this expected return to near 1.5 times that amount (probably over $1) In other words, he suggests that you will make a profit. The idea is to choose your Bingo cards so that the numbers on the cards do not have bizarre, unlikely sequences on them. Examples:
B 2 3 6 7 5 card I N 24 36 18 39 22 xx 16 31 20 35 A G 51 49 50 47 60 O 63 64 66 61 65 B 8 5 1 12 15 card I N 29 34 24 31 23 xx 16 45 17 42 B G 56 46 60 59 54 O 75 69 68 62 61

Card A has what the book calls "bad symmetry." The numbers are mostly clustered around the low numbers for each column. Card B has "excellent symmetry." The numbers are distributed much like the random distribution that you would expect from the random Bingo machine. This all sounds reasonable, in a common sense kind of way. But it is complete foolishness, mathematically. Every card has the same exact chances, as any other card. "Excellent symmetry" will not help you at all. A card that is all low numbers in order has the same winning chances as any other card:
B 1 2 3 4 5 I 16 17 18 19 20 N 31 32 xx 33 34 G 46 47 48 49 50 O 61 62 63 64 65

That is what mathematics says about Bingo. Normally, I tend to pontificate, and wonder why people don't believe me. Well, let me try to prove what I'm saying about Bingo:

Proof #1: To simplify the situation, let's invent smaller B(ingo) cards:
card X B 1 2 3 card Y B 12 5 7

We will choose numbers between 1 and 15, and 3 in a row wins. According to the spirit of the book, card X has "bad symmetry," while card Y has "good symmetry." Which B(ingo) card is more likely to get the first hit? Mathematics says that every number is equally likely. The author of the book does not dispute this. 1 is as likely as 7. In fact the odds are 1/15 that any given number will be chosen on the first pick. Well, then it must be the later picks which make X a bad card. For the purposes of this proof, let's assume that we are tied with one hit each (3 & 12) after 4 picks.
card X B 1 2 X card Y B X 5 7

The book might now argue that 2 or 1 are now not very likely. True. Very true. But 5 or 7 are also not likely. No combination of two specific numbers is very likely. In fact the chance of hitting a 1 (or a 5 or any other number) is now 1/11. I can continue to argue that in all future situations (including when we are tied with two hits each), the actual numbers on the cards do not matter. This proof (informal as it is) is valid. But it may not convince many people. Some people "know" that a 1 is not as likely as a 7, even though mathematics says it is. This is similar to the Gambler's Fallacy. In both cases, a person's hunches are more believable (to them) than actual reasoning.

Proof #2: Let's play real bingo, this time. You can have card B, while I will choose a made-up card C, chosen so that it has no numbers in common with card B. Card C is even more a symmetric than card A:
B 2 3 4 6 7 card I N 18 32 19 33 20 xx 21 35 22 36 C G 47 48 49 50 51 O 63 64 65 66 67 B 8 5 1 12 15 card I N 29 34 24 31 23 xx 16 45 17 42 B G 56 46 60 59 54 O 75 69 68 62 61

But now, we are going to disguise all of the numbers in our Bingo game. A 2 becomes an 8, a 3 becomes a 5, etc., based on this table:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 8 5 1 3 12 15 2 9 10 11 6 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 22 29 24 23 16 17 20 19 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 33 34 31 32 45 42 37 38 39 40 41 36 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 48 56 46 60 59 54 52 53 51 55 47 57 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 67 66 75 69 68 62 61 65 64 70 71 72 73

14 14 15 7

29 18 30 30

44 44 45 35

59 50 60 49

74 74 75 63

We also use the same table to disguise all of our numbered balls which the machine will choose. Here are our disguised cards:
B 8 5 1 12 15 card I N 29 34 24 31 23 xx 16 45 17 42 C' G 56 46 60 59 54 O 75 69 68 62 61 B 2 3 4 6 7 card I N 18 32 19 33 20 xx 21 35 22 36 B' G 47 48 49 50 51 O 63 64 65 66 67

As you can see, our disguised card B' looks just like our old card C. And C' looks like B. But they are not the old cards. Under our fake numbers are the old numbers. We are just using a code (a substitution cipher) for each number. Well, by the definition of "symmetry" in the book, we find that C' now has "good symmetry" and B' now has "bad symmetry." And now, C' is much more likely to win (according to the book) than B'. That IS a contradiction. The book says that each card is both a better bet, and a worse bet. Think about it. This IS a valid (but informal) proof.

Proof #3: For you die-hards, here's a third proof. I will play 10,000 games (on my computer) using only cards A and B, and see if one scores significantly better than the other. OK, the results are in. After 10,000 games, card A won 4911 to 4865, with 224 ties. But, it's pretty even. Statistics shows that this data supports my hypothesis that the two cards have equal chances to win. And it does not support the alternative hypothesis that B is better than A. Incidentally, B should outscore A about half the time. This test definitely shoots down any 50% improvement in the odds, which the author claimed.

So, is there any way to make money at Bingo? Yes, indeed. Build a Bingo parlor (or a church), or write a book on How To Win At Bingo.

Bingo patterns
Bingo pattern variations:
The following bingo game patterns are examples of some of the most popular ones. There are lots of possible bingo game patterns that can be played. There are bingo cards that have the pattern already marked/highlighted, and have three basic designations: Static or standard bingo patterns. These bingo patterns cannot be moved or shifted on the Bingo card and are won only when every square of the pattern that is marked/highlighted on the card is covered. Crazy bingo patterns. These bingo cards allow the pattern to be rotated in 90 degree increments for a winning bingo pattern match (by 90, 180 or 270). Wild bingo patterns. These bingo cards have scattered patterns. The bingo pattern stays in the same place (static) but can be located anywhere on the card.

Letter C

Letter E

Letter F

Letter N

Letter O

Letter T

Letter U

Letter X

Letter Y .

Straight line across Any line

Straight line down Any line

Diagonal Any direction

Postage stamp Any corner

Double stamps Any corners

Triple stamps Any corners

Clover leaf 4 postage stamps

Four corners .

Four corners and stamp. Any corner

Inside Four corners

Plus sign .

Six-pack Anywhere

Nine-pack Anywhere

Inside diamond .

Outside diamond .

Inside picture frame

Outside picture frame

Open house Any square

Full house Coverall, Blackout

Mini full house

Picnic table

Kite Any direction

Letter L Any way

Railroad tracks

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