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The best place in the world


the north and west by the Caribbean Sea. on the east by the department of La Guajira. and on the south by the municipalities of Aracataca and Cinaga.


Marta, officially the tourist, cultural and historic Santa Marta, a Colombian city, capital of the department of Magdalena and third major urban center in the Caribbean Region after Barranquilla and Cartagena. Founded on July 29, 1525 by the Spanish conqueror Rodrigo de Bastidas, is the oldest existing city in Colombia and the second oldest in South America.


Marta's economy is based on tourism, trade, port activities, fishing and agriculture, in that order. The District maintains agricultural production of 16,053 tons, cultivated on an area of 44,051 hectares. The main agricultural products are bananas, coffee, cocoa, fruit and cassava.


Annually celebrated The International Theater Festival of the Caribbean, this arts festival includes some events free of teaching and / or entertainment. In 2012 held its 23rd edition with participants from Spain, Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba and Argentina

$ 1,200 million will be invested to improve tourism. The company developed the tower Proksol 4.24, the

first intelligent building in Santa Marta that com, Besides contributions to urbanism, 4.24 will generate more than 200 jobs to the city and placed as a new destination point for trade.

the holder of Defense announced the arrival in the

coming days of two urban control units with 100 men to place them on the market and neighborhoods to record a complex security situation, and the construction of a police station. The Risk Management Council activated from this weekend, the Situation Room to meet emergencies that are occurring in the District and its rural area to mark the resurgence of the rainy season. This body is made up the Fire Department, Civil Defense, Red Cross, Police and Army, district authorities and officials Ideam, whose representatives are attentive to the ravages that are generating rainfall in this part of the country.

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