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Scientifically: Bufo calamita. It can measure 5 and 8 cm. It can live about 5 years.

It lives in plains, river banks, dunes and quarries. It is distribution in Western Europe, central Europe, and to the Northwest of Russia. It is a species of terrestrial and nocturnal. It is carnivorous can eat: insects, worms, spiders, centipedes, millipedes... Between 3000 and 4000 eggs. Beatriz Snchez Snchez.

Weight : from 2 to 4 kg. LONGITUDE:75 cm. Can be living 20 years. Is the nocturnal bird of more large of our forests.

This copy can measure 25 centimeters . Se can say it is almost like a turtle. It lives in swamps, lakes, ponds, canals and rivers. They like quiet areas with lots of vegetation and places to hide. They feed mainly on animals such as worms, snails ... Almost never consume plant food, but have to keep it on hand just in case. It's kind a little shy. No problems with any other animal.

The Mantis
The mantis is a strong predatory insect,but it is not poisonous

The cricket
Crickets are related to lobsters, but jump less than grasshoppers, which makes them more awkward . But they run the floor quickly. A cricket is a very aggressive bug, against their counterparts, with which stable bouts.

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