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General Introduction

The theme of this portfolio is The Causes and Effects of Poverty in Trinidad. Its purpose is to inform Trinidadian citizens while bringing about further awareness of poverty. The theme is related to the Exposition which is an oral presentation that discusses the various causes and effects of poverty in Trinidad through the use of primary and secondary data. It has the primary goal of bringing about further awareness of poverty in Trinidad, while displaying how poverty affects Trinidadian society. It is also evident in the Reflection, a short story entitled A Story about Poverty, which reflects a poor, unemployed, single mothers dilemma of raising her children in a secure, comfortable home, with the goal of evoking a sense of sympathy in readers and the urge to increase the fight against poverty. The theme relates to my personal interest since I am closely related to persons who have been negatively affected by poverty. It relates to my academic interest as I have encountered this intriguing topic in Spanish Literature, enhancing my desire to learn more about poverty while positively benefitting my academic performance. My work related interest is that I hope to one day become a social worker or politician, working to reduce poverty in Trinidad. Word count: 200

Table of Contents
General Introduction----------------------------------------------------1 Preface----------------------------------------------------------------------2 Reflection-------------------------------------------------------------------3 Analytical-------------------------------------------------------------------5 Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------7 Bibliography----------------------------------------------------------------8 Appendix--------------------------------------------------------------------9

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