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Solution to Exercise 06 Some of the requirements are nonspecific and they have not all the information that

the developer needs to satisfy the client needs, these make it understandable. This issue can be solved making some specific questions to the client about the requirement, sometimes the developer must to opine about how satisfy that requirement. There is not a perfect way to document requirements but the most useful might be the uses case diagram because it is a diagram suitable to future changes and the analyst can outline and document requirements easier. The requirements cannot be perfect the first time but its recommendable to try to obtain as many information as possible the first time that we record them, and we can improve them by maintaining contact with the client. If the requirement are not the exactly the consequences can be reflected in the development that can launch a product that is useless for the client and it cannot satisfy the client needs. A constraint is a statement of restriction that modifies a requirement or set of requirements by limiting the range of acceptable solutions. The functional requirements are those which mention a software functionality and the non-functional requirements are those which are

characteristics of the software that mention a constraint.

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