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Bailee Jordan English 1-2nd Block Mrs. Knowles 14 February 2013 Dr Thomas, Stuttfor. A Reader has a Sister in Spain with an Essential Tremor. Times. The (United Kingdom) n.d: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. In the letter A Reader has a Sister in Spain with an Essential Tremor. Dr Thomas Stuttaford explains what its like living with the disease Essential Benign Hand Tremors, what the disorder is, and treatment for the tremors. Living with an Essential Tremor can sometimes be very embarrassing, such as most people assume since your hands shake that you drink too much alcohol or you might be taking antidepressants. Sometimes the tremors are so bad cups rattle in their saucer, reading or even counting change becomes impossible. Essential Benign hand tremors is when your hands shake rapidly all the time and can increase with stress, anxiety, or even certain drinks such as coffee. Treatment for this disorder can be medicine such as propranol and primidone. Or in severe cases it can lead to therapy and brain surgery. This source is a good resource for my organization because it shows a real life citation of how it can affect you not only physically but mentally too. This text has really helped me understand the true way of how this disease can really affect daily life task that most people can do with ease. Learning about this disorder has really taught me how different some people are without us knowing it because there tremor is controlled by medicine. I will use this resource in my information, persuasive, and argumentative text because this letter gives opinions about how

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it can be in daily life with the disease with the disorder which can go in my argumentative and persuasive. And there is a lot of factual information about how the disease works to go in my informational text. But this answers my research question of how Essential Benign Hand tremors can truly affect your life. Some people have it easy and some people have it hard, but you just have to learn to fight what life throws at you.

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