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Thriller movie posters

The colours used in this movie poster creates mystery, it differs from the typical red suggesting death and anger. The Seven words portray the meaning behind the film, very powerful words. Plus the red lines crossing out the words gets the audience wondering. The red could imply death or murder. The two main characters faces are the focus of this poster, with their names in bold at the top; these are well known actors therefore people will be interested in the film; theyll trust itll be a good film.

The blood pouring from the mans face suggests violence may happen in the film, possibly murder. The pendulum sitting on the piano would create an eerie atmosphere with the ticking sound. The text Innocence ends creates the impression of the young girl on the poster being innocent, and then turning evil as her innocence ends, it gets the audience asking questions. The face on the poster holding a flame suggests its in a dark place, creating mystery with the text someone is missing, making the audience curious to who is missing and why? With the Island below the face implies the person may be missing on the Island but it gets the audience asking more questions; the island is surrounded by the sea so how could someone be missing if they cant escape?

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