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GCSE Resistant Materials Products

Revision Programme for Yr11 Final Exam

This will be your real GCSE 2hr paper given on the first 7th June 2013 PM Rather than trying to cram the whole lot into one day try doing 30-40 minutes everyday perhaps when you are having breakfast

Turn the Television off Make notes, mind maps

1) The first part of your revision programme is to come up with 5 initial ideas for The transport and storage of small items and the Art Deco design style. Draw 5 of your best ideas below.

Development of final design Choose your favourite design; redraw it bigger and annotate it this should show: Materials, manufacturing techniques, dimensions, adhesives, finishes and Art Deco design features.

Evaluate your final design Good points: Bad points:

Please use the Blue GCSE AQA Resistant Materials Products book.

Always learn the Key Terms and at least make sure you understand the Summary at the end of each chapter. EVERYTHING BELOW COULD IN THE EXAM Title Page Tick when revised

Properties and uses of hardwood, softwoods and manufactured boards Properties and uses of metals. Properties and uses of plastics and composites. Market influences Smart Materials Sustainability of materials Components ,adhesives and applied finished Famous designers The natural world Form follows function Market pull technology push Design periods through history Social and cultural influences Moral implications Sustainability 6Rs Designed for maintenance Kite marks Health and safety Tool recognition Machine tools marking out Joining wood Joining Metal Casting Forming woods Deforming metals Moulding plastic Cad cam Scales of production Mechanical systems and Mechanisms Electrical systems

12,13,14,1 6 18,19 20-23 54,55 24,25 26,27 28-43 48,49 50,51 52,53 54,55 56-59 66,67 68,69 70,73 74,75 76,77 84,85 104-107 108-112 110,112 113-115 116, 117 118,119 120,121 122,123 124,125 126,127 128,129 130, 131 132-135 136,137

Many of you have achieved top grades for your Controlled Assessment, so to maintain these really high marks you must learn the theory
Other places to revise DT This is an excellent website. Go to the resistant materials section there is shed loads to look through and make notes on. Make a point of visiting every section in this area.

The Resistant Materials IPhone App Perfect for those times when you are sat on the bus and feel the need to crack-on with some more DT goodness. 1.79 last time I looked. Not sure if there is an Android version

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