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Maria Camila Parra Rojas




1. Comprehension 1. Write (T) to True or (F) to false statements a. Helen is preparing to go on holidays with Gary (F ) b. Helens mother makes all the decisions in the house (F ) c. Helens brother is seventeen (T ) d. Helen knows how old Gary is ( F) e. Helen doesnt think about the future with Gary (T ) 2. Answer the following questions a. How old is Helen? -Helen is sixteen b. Is Helen happy at home? -No, she is not happy at home because her father does not give freedom she wants. c. Is Helens mother a nice woman? -yes,her mother is a nice woman but she does not have a strong carcter. d. How is the communication between Helen and her father? -the comunication between i hem is very bad for to be between a father and a daughtler and if there a communication between them is only to discuss the same issues and because he does not understand that helen is not Little girl now, she wants to be more independent she wants to go out in the evening with her friends, but this is not possible because her father thinks she is a child.

e. Where is Gary waiting for her? -Gary the waiting after school every fay . 3. Match the events with the times
3:00 a.m. 3:25 a.m. 3:30 a.m. 3:40 a.m. 3:45 a.m. 3:50 a.m. 4: 00 a.m. Her parents door opens. Helen is going to meet Gary. Helen hears her parents talking. Helen is preparing her suitcase. Helens father opens and closes the window again. Helen leaves the house. Helen closes the suitcase.

4. Final Activities What do you think Helen decided to do at the end of the story?

Write the ending in 1 paragraph Helen tells Gary I just want to stay in my home with my family and my daddy that I want and I don`t want regret later Gary says you a girl very stupid you`ll be in your house forever locked Helen returns and apologizes to his father that he love him and says not do again.

2. Helen is only sixteen. Is she too young to leave home? Clear Helen is too young to leave home she should understand that her father cares for her girl of the house and doesn`t want anything bob to happen

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