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urutan instalasi : 1. Root 2. Install custom recovery (CWM) 3. Wipe Data + cache + dalvik 4. Flash !

Cek versi firmware : Setting -> About Phone File bin Stock ROM buat flash via smartflash 10-05-2012 12:34 Siang juragan semua.. ane ada sedikit informasi nih. buat yg mau flash stock ROM sesuai kondisi pabrik dari toko. bisa pake smartflas h tool dg file .bin dan .fls. file bin nya bisa ekstrak dr file kdz yg bisa di u nduh di cara ekstrak nya disini bahan2 yg dibutuhkan : 1. LG Extract tool link ada di pejwan 2. file KDZ 3. aplikasi winrar 4. Komputer dg Windows ini kutipannya gan: Example: 1. Download a KDZ file for your device 2. Run LGExtract -kdz V20C_00.kdz (contoh perintah di command prompt) 3. Manually extract file at the same dir. (7-zip or WinRAR) 4. Run LGExtract -wdb V20C.wdb LGP970.dll (perintah di command prompt) 5. Now you got about 7 files, a few numbered .bin files and one .fls. (older fir mwares has less files/ newer has more) 6. You need to browse to BIN folder to manually merge the bin files (I will made this automatic in new releases) 7. Run copy /b "LGP970_AP[*].bin" "LGP970_AP.bin" (perintah di command prompt) 8. Now you can use the SmartFlash Tool to flash the new bin file and the fls as you always do. ane barusan extract buat flash karena mau klaim ke LG SC NB : klo ada yg perlu bantuan add gtalk : LG-P970 ROM COVERTER Automatic converter from KDZ to BIN/FLS. 05-06-2012 15:35 LG-P970 ROM COVERTER Automatic converter from KDZ to BIN/FLS. Supaya gampang Flash ulang + root nya gans taro di folder sama dengan kdz nya terus double klik

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