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Media Institution Research If I was trying to distribute my short film, I would aim to reach as many demographics and institutions

as possible; in turn I would not be expecting profit, the main goal would be exposure. Since my short film is hard to pinpoint down to a defined genre, I consider it a low budget and somewhat indie film. Film4 appeals to me in the sense that its worked consistently with independent movie products in the past and doesnt just revolve around big name blockbusters like Warner Brothers.

[Independent company]


Film4 is a relatively new but stable company. Launched on November 1st 1998 it has been showing movies I have grown up with since a child. Although I have been more appreciative of film4 movies as Ive grown older and developed a more mature sense of viewing. Most recently I have enjoyed film4 movies such as Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire.

From the above I have a sense of nostalgia and connection with Film4 as it has been producing films in line with my lifespan, and its based in the same country I live in.

In terms of they way Film4 exercises their marketing techniques, they use methods, which appeal to me. Using Slumdog Millionaire as an example, Film4 used an intelligent and tactical technique of gradual proliferation. At the start of distribution, they only put the film in a few cinemas, and then gradually releasing it over a broader and broader range as the hype/buzz circulating the film grew. This isnt just amiable to me for the technique, but also for the companies ability to mold their marketing skills around the type of movie theyre dealing with. Arguably Warner Brothers are certainly effective at marketing Blockbusters because thats the main film type they market, however Film4 for the last decade has been in situations of distributing a wide variety of different types of films.

YouTube would definitely be another resource I used. With the rise in prosumers and Web 2.0, sharing a short film on the Internet through YouTube can enable a fast spread of your film to friends and family. If it is particularly good, then the film can spread farther than just close social circles but go father through sharing and reposting. In the best case scenario a YouTube video can enable your short film to go viral. YouTube would also allow me to put up my own information about the film and monitor its popularity (views and likes/dislikes) and read feedback in the comment boxes from the audience. This gives me more independence and control over my film than if I was relying on an institution to do everything else for me.

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