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Nicole Reyes

Shockley, 2nd
Adam Bede Analysis

In the passage “Adam Bede”, George Eliot uses connotation and tones to make
the reader feel closer to the writing. Throughout the passage there are many tones, but I
mainly recognized admonishing and somber tones.
The author uses personification for the ‘main character’, Leisure. When Eliot
states that “Leisure is gone—gone where the spinning-wheels are gone, and the pack-
horses....” it gives the reader a great feeling of change, shich shows the tone of
somberness within the passage. Eliot feels that leisure is gone because of all the new
technology that was supposed to make life easire, but instead it make like more of a
‘task’. If the author did not constantly repeat that “Leisure is gone” the passage would not
be the same, because Eliot uses that as a bridge that leads on to explain why leisure is
gone and what was, or is, so important abou it. The author wants us to see that if leisure is
not protected from technology, then peoples lives will be full of chaos.

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