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(20 tk)

Oatmeal Cookies

(20 cookies)

125 g sulatud vid 130 g suhkrut 150-160 g kaerahelbeid 65 g nisujahu 150 g rstitud phkleid (soovi korral) 10 g kpsetuspulbrit 50 g hapukoort

125 g melted butter 130 g sugar 150-160 g of oat akes 65 g wheat our 150 g of roasted nuts (if desired) 10 g baking powder 50 g sour cream
Segada toasooja vi hulka suhkur, kaerahelbed ning nisujahu. Segada kpsetuspulber ja hapukoor omavahel ning lisada taina muude komponentide juurde. Kige lpuks lisada rstitud phklid. htlase konsistentsiga tainast tsta ahjuplaadile vikesed ptsikesed. Vajutada kpsised mrja lusika abil lamedamaks. Kpsetada 2000C juures ahju keskosas 5-8 min. Soovi korral raputada peale tuhksuhkrut.

Rub sugar, oat akes and wheat our with warm butter. Mix baking powder and sour cream and add to the other ingredients. Finally add the roasted buts. Use a spoon to take uniform small pieces of batter that are placed on a baking tin and attened a little with a wet spoon. Bake the cookies in the central part of the oven at 2000C for approximately 5-8 minutes. Sprinkle with caster sugar, if desired.


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