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An invitation is a request for a person's attendance at an event.

(noun) An example of an invitation is a printed card asking family and friends to come to the sender's wedding. 10 RULES FOR TYPE IN INVITATIONS These 10 guidelines for applying type in invitations will help you make occasions more memorable. by Allan Haley 1. Keep it simple. Invitations should be clear and easy to read. 2. Center at will. Centering lines of copy is rarely a good idea in any mediumexcept in invitations. Because the eye naturally returns to the left edge of copy to begin the next line, readers generally prefer left-edge alignment. Invitations, however, are read slowly and on a line-by-line basis. There are also few words per line in invitations; this allows the reader to take in the whole line in one glance, then drop to the next. 3. Create hierarchy with spacing. Use white space to signal the relationship between parts of an invitation. In general, there should be less space between two supportive pieces of information than between two that are disparate. Set the important copy large and supportive text at a smaller size. Size and spacing differences should always be obvious. 4. Differentiate with your choices. Typefaces can create brand and event distinction. The best choices not only convey information, they also make the invitation memorable. Spend a little time looking for just the right font and avoid using those bundled with applications and your operating system. At about $25, a new font is a cheap investment in a distinctive invitation. The sidebar on the facing page will give you a few ideas for font choices. 5. Set a mood. Typeface selection can evoke a mood or create a theme. There is, however, a caveat when attempting to build a theme with typefaces: Its easy to cross the line from traditional to hackneyed. If you want an invitation that is typographically fresh, avoid typefaces like Old English, Papyrus, Buffalo Gal and Comic Sans. Most large font distributors have keyword searches on their websites; try searching under the theme you want to create. Not all results will be ideal, but you may find just the font youre looking for. The purpose of invitation : To let people know that you are having a party/ celebration when and where the party is, and how to let you know that they are coming to celebrate with you.

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