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Every business knows that in order to thrive it needs to differentiate itself in the mind of the consumer.

Price has proved inadequate since there is a limit to how much a firm can cut back on its margins. Product differentiation is also no longer enough to attract or retain customers since technological advances have resulted in products becoming almost identical with very few tangible differences from others in the same category. Consequently, marketers have realized the importance of service differentiation as a sustainable strategy for competing for a portion of the customers wallet. Service Encounter / Moment of Truth A moment of truth is usually defined as an instance wherein the customer and the organization come into contact with one another in a manner that gives the customer an opportunity to either form or change an impression about the firm. Such an interaction could occur through the product of the firm, its service offering or both. Various instances could constitute a moment of truth such as greeting the customer, handling customer queries or complaints, promoting special offers or giving discounts and the closing of the interaction

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