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2nd Iberoamerican Edition & 3rd Global Edition GENEVA Thursday 10 November 2011

Ethics vs. Finance? An Analysis of the Origins, Problems and Future Perspectives of this Relationship
The current separation between ethics and finances answers to the idea which considers economics as an ethically neutral science The mainstream of modern economy built a biased view of man and how he relates to others By placing trust in the market mechanism instead of in the ethical capacity of people, individual responsibility started to lose meaning

Bruno F. Fernndez
Economist - Central Office of Public Funds in the Ministry of Economy of Tucumn Argentina

As long as ethical principles are reintegrated in their theory and practice, finances can steadily contribute to the common good through mutual trust.
Globalization needs the market to pursue other goals besides efficiency, such as equity and social cohesion. In every economical and financial training programme, ethical issues must be the rule and not the exception.

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