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1 TORNADO VIENE DE LA PALABRA DE TORNADO ESPAOLAS The word "Tornado" is an English-lending, which came from the Spanish 'thunder',

which, according to the SAR, refers to a "thunderstorm" 14 Metathesis is undoubtedly due to a reinterpretation of the wordunder the influence of "turn 2 UNO TIENE rayo suficiente electricidad para 200 000 VIVIENDA a beam electric potential is so great that the air becomes ... surpassing the 15 million volts and can even reach 200 million. ... 8,000,000 ray detection system according to the World Meteorological. ... consecutive rays combine to form one, or cancel each other 3 ARCO IRIS suelen durar ms de una hora I was in heaven about 20 minutes 4 Dos copos de nieve NUNCA SON IDNTICOS? Each snowflake is unique, you hear people say sometimes. Experts say, to the dismay of many dreamers, this is false. In fact, many of snowflakes that fall on the earth each year are identical to the human eye and also molecularly speaking. 5 El desierto del Sahara nunca llega a temperaturas bajo cero? I do not understand, the Sahara is about Ecuador and there is a lot more sun and plain, and Switzerland this far north and has mountains, as is possible in the Sahara reaches 30 below zero and 15 non-Swiss low 6 Un relmpago no dura ms de 0,2 segundos? The "last look" described in Jules Verne's novel "The Green Ray", oval, flattened underneath. Takes 1 or 2 seconds 7 NUBES NO AUMENTAR LOS RAYOS ULTRAVIOLETA que llega al suelo ? The ozone layer protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays, however the decrease in ozone and climate variations and seasons, make the ultraviolet rays from reaching the Earth in different ways 8 Oymyakon Oymyakon is the polar ice on Earth, in 1926 reached the lowest temperature ever recorded in territory inhabited: 71.2 degrees below the freezing point.en Siberia es el lugar ms fro EN LA TIERRA ? 9 Yuma en Arizona EE.UU. no es el lugar ms soleado EN EL MUNDO? Yuma is a city in Yuma County, Arizona, United States Recognized as the sunniest place on Earth 10 La primavera en el hemisferio norte alrededor ESTRELLAS DE MARZO? The seasons occur in reverse to the southern hemisphere. Thus, extending the summer between June and September, while the winter it does between December and March. Because perihelion occurs in January.

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