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In El Otro lado, we follow a Mexican kid that watches his father leave

their house in order to find a job in the USA, a Cuban kid who dreams
of finding his true father (an American citizen) and bringing him back
to La Habanna, and finally, the journey of Fátima, traveling from
Morocco to Málaga, Spain, trying to find her father that left her seven
years ago.

Extra credit:

Write an essay that answers the following questions:

1. What similarities do the stories share?

2. This film contains an interesting balance between
fantasy/surrealism and harsh realism. Where do you see
examples of those? Do you think there is a balance?
3. Which story do you think is most realistic? Why?
4. What message do you think the writers and directors were trying
to convey? Were they successful?
5. Did this movie give you any new insights on immigration or other
6. How did this movie make you feel by the end? Why?

Please hand in a HARD COPY of your essay by Tuesday, March 10th.

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