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The three Belongings

In the foothills of the main mountains in Taiwan, there lived a girl and her widowed mother. The girl's name was Jin. Her mother named her Jin when she was born because it meant gold and even though her mum and her dad had black hair, Jin had strange golden hair. Jin's mother was widowed right before Jin was born when her father, on his way home, got into an accident and got buried under rocks.

Jin lived on a farm where she worked every day of her life for as long as she could remember. Jin was happy that the weather in Taiwan was usually cloudy and cool so work was easier. Now that Jin was 23 she had the muscle of 40 grown men and the speed of 40 horses. Every day, Jin would ride her horse Feronia in the mountains and loved it. Feronia meant freedom and that was what she felt. One day though, Jin was summoned to see the king, so Jin jumped on Feronia and rode to the kings palace. When Jin was brought into the kings throne room everyone around her quickly ran out of the room. Jin saw tears running down the king's cheeks before he quickly brushed them away with the back of his hand. "Now," said the king, "I have a very important task for you." "What is my mission sir?" Jin asked feeling sad herself now. "As you might know," begun the king, "my son has been captured by the evil Kong." "Yes sir it is quite tragic." Jin said, understanding now how sad the king was. "Well, Jin I would like you and your inhuman strength to go save my son from Kong." He explained. "I will do that right away," said Jin and she stood up and bowed to the king before leaving the palace and returning home. Jin knew she had to make the king happy. Jin quickly told her mum of the journey she had been assigned. Jin knowing her mum would not let her go quickly went to her

room to pack. In her bag Jin packed the only three belongings she had which were a comb with jewels in it, her lucky stone and a doll with long hair. Jin also dressed herself in her warrior kimono, a one piece outfit that looks like a toga, and attached a sword to her belt. Tying her hair back in a bun Jin worried about the journey but knew it was ok. When Jin stepped out of her room her mother was waiting for her by the door with a bag full of food. Grateful, Jin took the bag of food and put her other belongings in another bag. Hugging her mother, she put her bags onto Feronia on and climbed on top of him. With one thrust of her heels Jin and Feronia were off to find the kings son. Jin rode higher and higher up the mountain until she reached a giant gate. "Hello young lady." Said an old man to Jins right. "Hello sir." replied Jin. The old man coughed and wheezed. "Oh sir, are you sick?" asked Jin. "Why yes young lady, I am an old man and I have grown very weak." He replied. Jin dismounted her horse and pulled out her comb. Pressing the comb lightly into the man's hand Jin smiled. "Here sir," said Jin, "Take this and buy yourself some medicine and a blanket." The old man took Jin's comb gratefully, thanked her and waddled away. Jin kept moving through the gate and higher into the mountain. Soon after, Jin and Feronia grew tired and fell asleep by the nearest tree.

At morning, Jin ate the pineapples that her mother had packed for her along with some lychee nuts taken from the farm while she let Feronia eat grass. Once they were done Jin set out once more and climbed even higher into the mountains. Along the way Jin met a small girl who was shivering outside her little mud hut. Slowly, Jin turned Feronia and trotted up to the girl and asked "Are you ok?" "My parents are not home and they have the only key to my h-hhouse." The little girl stammered. "Here," said Jin as she reached into her bag and pulled out her stone, "this is my lucky stone it will make your parents come home soon." "Thank you!" The girl exclaimed and she ran around to the back of the house. Once again Jin set out, happy to have helped another person. Finally, Jin reached the top of the mountain and made her way along the top towards the second mountain of the three she had to climb over. Jin repeated the same sleeping and getting up routine as last time except this time she ate some rice before she went to bed she had to make her food last. They reached a small hut at the bottom of the third mountain where she let Feronia graze and drink some water for a while. A small girl came up to Jin crying What is wrong? asked Jin, You look very sad.

A big bear stole my doll! cried the girl. Once again Jin reached into her bag not stopping to think twice or about herself and pulled out the only belonging she had left her small doll with long hair. Here, said Jin handing the little girl her doll. The little girl ran off hugging the doll and laughing. Jin was getting really close to reaching where Kong lived. Jin was getting nervous and worried that she might fail in getting the kings son back. No, Jin thought, I will be able to get the kings son back, I have to, I will succeed. Jin sat down in a little pasture and let Feronia graze while she ate some more rice with pork. Jin loved Feronia. He was her best friend. Jin did not want to fall asleep when she was so close to Kong, so instead, she gathered up her energy and traveled up the mountain as the sun was setting. Finally, after her long and tiring journey Jin reached the palace where Kong lived. Slowly Jin crept closer to the palace. She saw the light dancing around the marble walls and for a second she could imagine the palace as a nice place. The statues menaced and sneered at her as she got closer to the door. For the first time in a while Jin started to shake. She had to continue. Bursting through the doors of the palace, Jin charged at Kong. However, Kong had received word of Jin's arrival and was able to push her away with one shove of his hand into her gut. "Now that's not exactly how you would greet your host," chuckled Kong.

"Well I have no intention of being kind to you Kong!" Jin spat. "I'm guessing you want to retrieve this young man from me," mocked Kong as he gestured towards the king's son, "but if you are to take him from me you must give me something in return." "And what would that be?" Jin cooed. "Your stallion, my dear," replied Kong. Panicking, Jin realized that she would have to give Kong Feronia her beloved horse and friend or fight. Kong is as strong as a mountain, thought Jin, but he is not very fast. His weakness is his pet komodo dragon I could hold his hostage and make a trade for the kings son or fight. Jin was very confused and worried about Feronia she had given away her belongings without a second thought but Feronia was her friend. Still stunned, Jin punched Kong in the jaw and watched him stumble backwards. Jin didnt have time to think before Kong recovered and planted his palms into her chest. Jin felt her feet lift off of the ground and slide through the air. Jin smashed against the wall with a thud and landed on the ground with a painful clang. Coughing, she slowly stood up again. It was no use Jin was faster and very strong but she had grown tired over her long journey and stopped fighting. Tears coming from her eyes, she stroked Feronias head and handed him over to Kong while she carried the Kings son out of the door and down the mountain. Jin sat and wept when she had stopped at the bottom of the mountain and the prince was asleep. Jin fell asleep watching the eagles soar overhead. When morning

came Jin did not waste time she just grabbed the prince and walked. She did not want to have time to think. When Jin and the prince reached the palace she let go of the princes arm and pushed the door open. "My son!" exclaimed the king. "You have returned." "Father!" replied the prince. Jin slipped out before anyone could speak to her. When Jin got home her mother was not there so she lay down on the floor and cried. Suddenly Jin heard hooves of a horse coming up the path. Running outside, Jin screamed with joy as she saw Feronia walking towards her. Feronia had so many items on his back that Jin gasped there was gold and jewels and everything she could hope for. Jin realized that her selflessness had given her something in return and she thanked the world and gave Feronia a big hug.

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