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Name: Alexandra Jennifer Carlsson

Starter: Evaulating Website Design

Activity 1: Visit each of the four websites on the spider diagram below by clicking on the links. With a partner, decide if it is well designed, badly designed, or somewhere in between. Write a note in each note box to remind you of why you made that decision.

The Sherlock Holmes Museum website

B The How Stuff Works


This website is very small and not so good information and it doesnt have a lot of information but it is clear and easy to understand.

Websites the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

This website is very good because it tells us how stuff works and how we do it and it is not messy or confusing to read.

C The Kids Discovery

Channel website

The Roger Art website

This website is very good because it teaches kids about animals and it has fun activities and quizzes and puzzles so they can think. It is very clear and there are many pictures so kids can understand.

This website is not very good because it is very colourful and not clear so we cant really read what they say and it is so messy.

Activity 2: Now drag the coloured circle that relates to each website onto the sliding scale below, to show how you rate the website generally.



Activity 3: Finally, write down three things that you think are important in a good website.

1. Has good information about interesting facts and news.

2. Clear not blurry or too much colourful.

3. Easy to understand for kids or other people.

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