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One of the most critical realities that a CEO of a public organization must face is the process of and decision

to die; death not in a physical sense, rather a snuffing out of the ego. Ego driven entities always fail and those who lead orga nizations under the false pretense of arrogance soon find out that this arroganc e is nothing more than a temporary fix to filling an emotional void within themsel ves with rapidly evaporating gravel. Emotionally led people lack stability due t o the swings generated by the primal brain, a reactionary pleasure seeking porti on of the mind offering the fight or flight, animalistic yet un-evolved action c enter. One who leads with the ego distracts those he manages through the blindness of t he emotions. Staring through a decision making lens corroded with the decay and grime of ongoing emotional inhibitors disallows the visual clarity that comes wi th a more evolved analytical perspective that responds rather than reacts. A response takes into consideration timing, tact, concept evolution, perception and has, at all times an eye towards the future. A reactionary expression is fueled by all ar eas of the un-evolved ego: pride, insecurity, pure emotion, fight or flight and other regrettable and consistently damning actions no longer relevant yet still genetically present today from prehistoric man. With the evolution and intellectual development of man comes the development of the analytical skills that allow one to dissect information and critique various responses before an idea can crash through the minds recently evolved critical faculty and plunge into the reactionary, animalistic primal brain which will spe w forth an ocean of emotion driven reactions with universally negative outcomes. Decision making via calculated and analytical processes minus the emotional canc er causing agents that cloud and stunt a corporations longevity and prosperity wi ll attract strategic alliances, create comfort zones for much needed investors a nd streamline expansion strategies due to tactical templates designed by a C lev el executive that can think objectively without the collateral damage stemming f rom emotional reaction.

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