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Competncia e Habilidade: Reconhecer vocabulrio em ingls pertinente escola (espaos, objetos e profissionais).

Observe as imagens para completar as frases usando nomes de pases e responda a questo 04.

01) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas nomes de objetos escolares em ingls.

(I) Kelly is American. She is from ______________

(A) Canteen - eraser pencil - notebook (B) Restrooms - eraser - book -principal (C) Principal - pen - librarian - canteen (D) Notebook - pencil - pen eraser 02) So profisses relacionadas escola: (II) Fatima and Youssef are from Cairo. They are from _________________.

(III) Lucia and Ricardo are from Rio. They are from _____________________.

(A) Engineer secretary - doctor (B) Teacher - principal - librarian (C) Nurse teacher - principal (D) Fireman constructor - salesman 03) Escolha a opo que completa a frase a seguir: I ___ from Brazil. (A) (B) (C) (D) m re s are

(VI) Jorge Luis is Argentinian. He is from ___________________.

04) Escolha a opo que completa as frases acima: (A) Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Japan; (B) France, Egypt, Brazil, Spain;

(C) USA, Egypt, Brazil, Argentina; (D) Australia, China, Greece, Russia. 05) Leia a tabela com nomes de pases e suas lnguas oficiais e complete:

Assinale a opo que complete a tabela acima: (A) English, French, Spanish, Arabic; (B) Brazilian, Italian, Spanish, English; (C) Italian, Brazilian, Argentinian, Japonese; (D) Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, English. GABARITO 1) (D) 2) (B) 3) (A) 4) (C) 5) (D)


Competncia e Habilidade: Reconhecer espaos de lazer em ingls com base na leitura de informaes verbais e no verbais. Relacionar imagens a informaes especficas em um texto. 01) Read the ad and ( T ) true or ( F ) false:

II - My sister Gabrielle likes to play computer games with her friends or chat on the MSN in this place. Its great fun for her: she is playing games there right now! (_____________________) III - I dont know this place, but some friends say that it is very beautiful: the city hall ballet performs awesome presentations there during the year. And people usually go there because of the city orchestra presentations. (____________) The names of places are: (A) A school - A park - A theater; (B) A sports club - A lan house - A theater; (C) A sports club - A theme park - A concert hall; (D) A sports club - A park - A cinema; 03) Read the interview below to answer the questions.

( ) You don't have to pay for the activities at the CCE, they are free. ( ) There are no activities for each day of the week at the CCE. ( ) The community center is not open at night. ( ) The events are scheduled at the CEC for the month of April. The correct sequence is the letter: (A) T T T T (B) F F F F (C) T F F T (D) F T T F 02) Read the sentences below. Where do the activities take place? Write the names of the places. I - I love playing games in this place. My favorite one is basketball, but my friends like football and volleyball. My younger brother Thomas also enjoys flying his kites. (_____________________) Jessica: So whats your favorite sport, Bruno? Bruno: Tennis. Jessica: And do you practice it often? Bruno: Yes, I do. I have tennis classes every Saturday. Jessica: But you are not professional, are you? Bruno: No, I am not. But I am training hard now to be professional in the future. I - Who practices tennis: Jessica or Bruno? (A) Jessica.

(B) Bruno. II - When does Bruno have classes? (A)Saturday. (B)Sunday. III - Is he a professional tennis player? (A)Yes, he is (B) No, he isnt. VI - Is he training hard now? (A)Yes, he is. (B) No, he isnt. The correct sequence is the letter: (A) A A A A (B) A B B A (C) B B A A (D) B A B A Leia o texto a seguir para responder s questes 4 e 5. Hello! My names Ricky Mendonza and Im 22 years old. Im a basketball player and I can score many baskets in a game. I am really good at it. I usually train for about 4 or 5 hours every day but before big competitions, I train for 7 or 8 hours. Right now I am training very hard because we have a difficult game on Saturday 04) De acordo com o texto, Ricky: (A) est treinando bastante porque tem um jogo difcil no sbado. (B) no est treinando agora. (C) est velho demais para jogar basquete. (D) treina entre 4 e 5 horas antes de grandes competies. 05) No texto, a frase que indica uma habilidade que Ricky tem : (A) Im a basketball player. (B) I usually train for about 4 or 5 hours every day. (C) Right now Im training very hard. (D) I can score many baskets in a game.

Ingls about baskets because before big but can day difficult every for good hard have many now on player really right Saturday score train training usually

Portugus Sobre cestas porque antes grande mas pode dia difcil cada, todo para bom difcil ter muitos agora em jogador realmente direito, certo sbado fazer pontos treinar treinamento geralmente

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