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Just Because Whenever it rained, I wanted to be in the middle of the barren field - completely naked, face uplifted not

a single thread, single ornament and let each raindrop sink in Whenever spring breathed afresh, I wanted to arise atop the attic completely naked arms stretched to the horizon engrossed in the lyrical breeze I wanted to glide underwater completely naked let the immaculate water caress my complete self and emerge out of water, lie down on the beach completely naked draped by sun and sand for a long- long time I wanted to recline naked aside paddy-field on the naked earth, and comprehend the pleasure of conceiving the future I wanted to nurture the future Gautam Sarkar

to breast-feed the crying baby sitting amongst singing birds - completely naked I wanted to lie along with the flowers completely naked to be kissed by butterflies, and be part of natures poetry I wanted to meet a friend completely naked to share a vision, to live a mission I always longed for the friend truthfully naked I wanted to embrace the spirit of monsoon purity of Lillian snow sparkle of a childs smile warmth of wisdom pleasure of procreation completely naked But, I could do none Never Just because Just Because

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